Source code for mhcflurry.cluster_parallelism

Simple, relatively naive parallel map implementation for HPC clusters.

Used for training MHCflurry models.
import traceback
import sys
import os
import time
import signal
import argparse
import pickle
import subprocess
import shutil

from .local_parallelism import call_wrapped_kwargs
from .class1_affinity_predictor import Class1AffinityPredictor

    from shlex import quote
except ImportError:
    from pipes import quote

[docs]def add_cluster_parallelism_args(parser): """ Add commandline arguments controlling cluster parallelism to an argparse ArgumentParser. Parameters ---------- parser : argparse.ArgumentParser """ group = parser.add_argument_group("Cluster parallelism") group.add_argument( "--cluster-parallelism", default=False, action="store_true") group.add_argument( "--cluster-submit-command", default='sh', help="Default: %(default)s") group.add_argument( "--cluster-results-workdir", default='./cluster-workdir', help="Default: %(default)s") group.add_argument( "--additional-complete-file", default='STDERR', help="Additional file to monitor for job completion. Default: %(default)s") group.add_argument( '--cluster-script-prefix-path', help="", ) group.add_argument( '--cluster-max-retries', type=int, help="How many times to rerun failing jobs. Default: %(default)s", default=3)
[docs]def cluster_results_from_args( args, work_function, work_items, constant_data=None, input_serialization_method="pickle", result_serialization_method="pickle", clear_constant_data=False): """ Parallel map configurable using commandline arguments. See the cluster_results() function for docs. The `args` parameter should be an argparse.Namespace from an argparse parser generated using the add_cluster_parallelism_args() function. Parameters ---------- args work_function work_items constant_data result_serialization_method clear_constant_data Returns ------- generator """ return cluster_results( work_function=work_function, work_items=work_items, constant_data=constant_data, submit_command=args.cluster_submit_command, results_workdir=args.cluster_results_workdir, additional_complete_file=args.additional_complete_file, script_prefix_path=args.cluster_script_prefix_path, input_serialization_method=input_serialization_method, result_serialization_method=result_serialization_method, max_retries=args.cluster_max_retries, clear_constant_data=clear_constant_data )
[docs]def cluster_results( work_function, work_items, constant_data=None, submit_command="sh", results_workdir="./cluster-workdir", additional_complete_file=None, script_prefix_path=None, input_serialization_method="pickle", result_serialization_method="pickle", max_retries=3, clear_constant_data=False): """ Parallel map on an HPC cluster. Returns [work_function(item) for item in work_items] where each invocation of work_function is performed as a separate HPC cluster job. Order is preserved. Optionally, "constant data" can be specified, which will be passed to each work_function() invocation as a keyword argument called constant_data. This data is serialized once and all workers read it from the same source, which is more efficient than serializing it separately for each worker. Each worker's input is serialized to a shared NFS directory and the submit_command is used to launch a job to process that input. The shared filesystem is polled occasionally to watch for results, which are fed back to the user. Parameters ---------- work_function : A -> B work_items : list of A constant_data : object submit_command : string For running on LSF, we use "bsub" here. results_workdir : string Path to NFS shared directory where inputs and results can be written script_prefix_path : string Path to script that will be invoked to run each worker. A line calling the _mhcflurry-cluster-worker-entry-point command will be appended to the contents of this file. result_serialization_method : string, one of "pickle" or "save_predictor" The "save_predictor" works only when the return type of work_function is Class1AffinityPredictor max_retries : int How many times to attempt to re-launch a failed worker clear_constant_data : bool If True, the constant data dict is cleared on the launching host after it is serialized to disk. Returns ------- generator of B """ if input_serialization_method == "dill": import dill input_serialization_module = dill else: assert input_serialization_method == "pickle" input_serialization_module = pickle constant_payload = { 'constant_data': constant_data, 'function': work_function, } if not os.path.exists(results_workdir): os.mkdir(results_workdir) work_dir = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(results_workdir), str(int(time.time()))) os.mkdir(work_dir) constant_payload_path = os.path.join( work_dir, "global_data." + input_serialization_method) with open(constant_payload_path, "wb") as fd: input_serialization_module.dump( constant_payload, fd, protocol=input_serialization_module.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Wrote:", constant_payload_path) if clear_constant_data: constant_data.clear() print("Cleared constant data to free up memory.") if script_prefix_path: with open(script_prefix_path) as fd: script_prefix = else: script_prefix = "#!/bin/bash" result_items = [] for (i, item) in enumerate(work_items): item_workdir = os.path.join( work_dir, "work-item.%03d-of-%03d" % (i, len(work_items))) os.mkdir(item_workdir) item_data_path = os.path.join( item_workdir, "data." + input_serialization_method) with open(item_data_path, "wb") as fd: input_serialization_module.dump( item, fd, protocol=input_serialization_module.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Wrote:", item_data_path) item_result_path = os.path.join(item_workdir, "result") item_error_path = os.path.join(item_workdir, "error.pkl") item_finished_path = os.path.join(item_workdir, "COMPLETE") item_script_pieces = [ script_prefix.format(work_item_num=i, work_dir=item_workdir) ] item_script_pieces.append(" ".join([ "_mhcflurry-cluster-worker-entry-point", "--constant-data", quote(constant_payload_path), "--worker-data", quote(item_data_path), "--result-out", quote(item_result_path), "--error-out", quote(item_error_path), "--complete-dir", quote(item_finished_path), "--input-serialization-method", input_serialization_method, "--result-serialization-method", result_serialization_method, ])) item_script = "\n".join(item_script_pieces) item_script_path = os.path.join( item_workdir, "" % i) with open(item_script_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(item_script) print("Wrote:", item_script_path) launch_command = " ".join([ submit_command, "<", quote(item_script_path) ]) subprocess.check_call(launch_command, shell=True) print("Invoked", launch_command) result_items.append({ 'work_dir': item_workdir, 'finished_path': item_finished_path, 'result_path': item_result_path, 'error_path': item_error_path, 'retry_num': 0, 'launch_command': launch_command, }) def result_generator(): additional_complete_file_path = None start = time.time() while result_items: print("[%0.1f sec elapsed] waiting on %d / %d items." % ( time.time() - start, len(result_items), len(work_items))) while True: result_item = None for d in result_items: if additional_complete_file: additional_complete_file_path = os.path.join( d['work_dir'], additional_complete_file) if os.path.exists(d['finished_path']): result_item = d break if additional_complete_file and os.path.exists( additional_complete_file_path): result_item = d print("Exists", additional_complete_file_path) break if result_item is None: time.sleep(60) else: result_items.remove(result_item) break complete_dir = result_item['finished_path'] result_path = result_item['result_path'] error_path = result_item['error_path'] retry_num = result_item['retry_num'] launch_command = result_item['launch_command'] print("[%0.1f sec elapsed] processing item %s" % ( time.time() - start, result_item)) if os.path.exists(error_path) or not os.path.exists(result_path): if os.path.exists(error_path): print("Error path exists", error_path) try: with open(error_path, "rb") as fd: exception = pickle.load(fd) print(exception) except Exception as e: exception = RuntimeError( "Error, but couldn't read error path: %s %s" % ( type(e), str(e))) else: exception = RuntimeError("Error, but no exception saved") if not os.path.exists(result_path): print("Result path does NOT exist", result_path) if retry_num < max_retries: print("Relaunching", launch_command) attempt_dir = os.path.join( result_item['work_dir'], "attempt.%d" % retry_num) if os.path.exists(complete_dir): shutil.move(complete_dir, attempt_dir) # directory if additional_complete_file and os.path.exists( additional_complete_file_path): shutil.move(additional_complete_file_path, attempt_dir) if os.path.exists(error_path): shutil.move(error_path, attempt_dir) subprocess.check_call(launch_command, shell=True) print("Invoked", launch_command) result_item['retry_num'] += 1 result_items.append(result_item) continue else: print("Max retries exceeded", max_retries) raise exception if os.path.exists(result_path): print("Result path exists", result_path) if result_serialization_method == "save_predictor": result = Class1AffinityPredictor.load(result_path) elif result_serialization_method == "pickle": with open(result_path, "rb") as fd: result = pickle.load(fd) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported serialization method", result_serialization_method) yield result else: raise RuntimeError("Results do not exist", result_path) return result_generator()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage="Entry point for cluster workers") parser.add_argument( "--constant-data", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--worker-data", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--result-out", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--error-out", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--complete-dir", ) parser.add_argument( "--input-serialization-method", choices=("pickle", "dill"), default="pickle") parser.add_argument( "--result-serialization-method", choices=("pickle", "save_predictor"), default="pickle")
[docs]def worker_entry_point(argv=sys.argv[1:]): """ Entry point for the worker command. Parameters ---------- argv : list of string """ # On sigusr1 print stack trace print("To show stack trace, run:\nkill -s USR1 %d" % os.getpid()) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda sig, frame: traceback.print_stack()) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.input_serialization_method == "dill": import dill input_serialization_module = dill else: assert args.input_serialization_method == "pickle" input_serialization_module = pickle with open(args.constant_data, "rb") as fd: constant_payload = input_serialization_module.load(fd) with open(args.worker_data, "rb") as fd: worker_data = input_serialization_module.load(fd) kwargs = dict(worker_data) if constant_payload['constant_data'] is not None: kwargs['constant_data'] = constant_payload['constant_data'] try: result = call_wrapped_kwargs(constant_payload['function'], kwargs) if args.result_serialization_method == 'save_predictor': else: with open(args.result_out, "wb") as fd: pickle.dump(result, fd, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Wrote:", args.result_out) except Exception as e: print("Exception: ", e) with open(args.error_out, "wb") as fd: pickle.dump(e, fd, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Wrote:", args.error_out) raise finally: if args.complete_dir: os.mkdir(args.complete_dir) print("Created: ", args.complete_dir)