Source code for mhcflurry.train_pan_allele_models_command

Train Class1 pan-allele models.
import argparse
import os
from os.path import join
import signal
import sys
import time
import traceback
import random
import pprint
import hashlib
import pickle
import uuid
from functools import partial

import numpy
import pandas
import yaml
import tqdm  # progress bar
tqdm.monitor_interval = 0  # see

from .class1_affinity_predictor import Class1AffinityPredictor
from .class1_neural_network import Class1NeuralNetwork
from .common import configure_logging
from .local_parallelism import (
from .cluster_parallelism import (
from .allele_encoding import AlleleEncoding
from .encodable_sequences import EncodableSequences

# To avoid pickling large matrices to send to child processes when running in
# parallel, we use this global variable as a place to store data. Data that is
# stored here before creating the thread pool will be inherited to the child
# processes upon fork() call, allowing us to share large data with the workers
# via shared memory.

# Note on parallelization:
# It seems essential currently (tensorflow==1.4.1) that no processes are forked
# after tensorflow has been used at all, which includes merely importing
# keras.backend. So we must make sure not to use tensorflow in the main process
# if we are running in parallel.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)

        "Training data CSV. Expected columns: "
        "allele, peptide, measurement_value"))
        "Pre-training data CSV. Expected columns: "
        "allele, peptide, measurement_value"))
    help="Directory to write models and manifest")
    help="JSON or YAML of hyperparameters")
    default=[0.25, 100],
    help="Fraction of measurements per allele to hold out, and maximum number")
    help="Do not use affinity value inequalities even when present in data")
    help="Number of training folds.")
    help="Number of replicates per (architecture, fold) pair to train.")
    help="Max training epochs. If specified here it overrides any 'max_epochs' "
    "specified in the hyperparameters.")
    help="Allele sequences file.")
    help="Keras verbosity. Default: %(default)s",
    help="Launch python debugger on error")
    help="Continue training models from an incomplete training run. If this is "
    "specified then the only required argument is --out-models-dir")
    help="Do not actually train models. The initialized run can be continued "
    "later with --continue-incomplete.")


[docs]def assign_folds(df, num_folds, held_out_fraction, held_out_max): """ Split training data into multple test/train pairs, which we refer to as folds. Note that a given data point may be assigned to multiple test or train sets; these folds are NOT a non-overlapping partition as used in cross validation. A fold is defined by a boolean value for each data point, indicating whether it is included in the training data for that fold. If it's not in the training data, then it's in the test data. Folds are balanced in terms of allele content. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame training data num_folds : int held_out_fraction : float Fraction of data to hold out as test data in each fold held_out_max For a given allele, do not hold out more than held_out_max number of data points in any fold. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame index is same as df.index, columns are "fold_0", ... "fold_N" giving whether the data point is in the training data for the fold """ result_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=df.index) for fold in range(num_folds): result_df["fold_%d" % fold] = True for (allele, sub_df) in df.groupby("allele"): medians = sub_df.groupby("peptide").measurement_value.median() low_peptides = medians[medians < medians.median()].index.values high_peptides = medians[medians >= medians.median()].index.values held_out_count = int( min(len(medians) * held_out_fraction, held_out_max)) held_out_peptides = set() if held_out_count == 0: pass elif held_out_count < 2: held_out_peptides = set( medians.index.to_series().sample(n=held_out_count)) else: held_out_low_count = min( len(low_peptides), int(held_out_count / 2)) held_out_high_count = min( len(high_peptides), held_out_count - held_out_low_count) held_out_low = pandas.Series(low_peptides).sample( n=held_out_low_count) if held_out_low_count else set() held_out_high = pandas.Series(high_peptides).sample( n=held_out_high_count) if held_out_high_count else set() held_out_peptides = set(held_out_low).union(set(held_out_high)) result_df.loc[ sub_df.index[sub_df.peptide.isin(held_out_peptides)], "fold_%d" % fold ] = False print("Training points per fold") print(result_df.sum()) print("Test points per fold") print((~result_df).sum()) return result_df
[docs]def pretrain_data_iterator( filename, master_allele_encoding, peptides_per_chunk=1024): """ Step through a CSV file giving predictions for a large number of peptides (rows) and alleles (columns). Parameters ---------- filename : string master_allele_encoding : AlleleEncoding peptides_per_chunk : int Returns ------- Generator of (AlleleEncoding, EncodableSequences, float affinities) tuples """ empty = pandas.read_csv(filename, index_col=0, nrows=0) usable_alleles = [ c for c in empty.columns if c in master_allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence ] print("Using %d / %d alleles" % (len(usable_alleles), len(empty.columns))) print("Skipped alleles: ", [ c for c in empty.columns if c not in master_allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence ]) allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( numpy.tile(usable_alleles, peptides_per_chunk), borrow_from=master_allele_encoding) while True: synthetic_iter = pandas.read_csv( filename, index_col=0, chunksize=peptides_per_chunk) for (k, df) in enumerate(synthetic_iter): if len(df) != peptides_per_chunk: continue df = df[usable_alleles] encodable_peptides = EncodableSequences( numpy.repeat( df.index.values, len(usable_alleles))) yield (allele_encoding, encodable_peptides, df.stack().values)
[docs]def run(argv=sys.argv[1:]): # On sigusr1 print stack trace print("To show stack trace, run:\nkill -s USR1 %d" % os.getpid()) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, lambda sig, frame: traceback.print_stack()) args = parser.parse_args(argv) if args.debug: try: return main(args) except Exception as e: print(e) import ipdb # pylint: disable=import-error ipdb.set_trace() raise else: return main(args)
[docs]def main(args): print("Arguments:") print(args) args.out_models_dir = os.path.abspath(args.out_models_dir) configure_logging(verbose=args.verbosity > 1) if not args.continue_incomplete: initialize_training(args) if not args.only_initialize: train_models(args)
[docs]def initialize_training(args): required_arguments = [ "data", "out_models_dir", "hyperparameters", "num_folds", ] for arg in required_arguments: if getattr(args, arg) is None: parser.error("Missing required arg: %s" % arg) print("Initializing training.") hyperparameters_lst = yaml.load(open(args.hyperparameters)) assert isinstance(hyperparameters_lst, list) print("Loaded hyperparameters list:") pprint.pprint(hyperparameters_lst) allele_sequences = pandas.read_csv( args.allele_sequences, index_col=0).iloc[:,0] df = pandas.read_csv( print("Loaded training data: %s" % (str(df.shape))) df = df.loc[ (df.peptide.str.len() >= 8) & (df.peptide.str.len() <= 15) ] print("Subselected to 8-15mers: %s" % (str(df.shape))) df = df.loc[~df.measurement_value.isnull()] print("Dropped NaNs: %s" % (str(df.shape))) df = df.loc[df.allele.isin(allele_sequences.index)] print("Subselected to alleles with sequences: %s" % (str(df.shape))) print("Data inequalities:") print(df.measurement_inequality.value_counts()) if args.ignore_inequalities and "measurement_inequality" in df.columns: print("Dropping measurement_inequality column") del df["measurement_inequality"] # Allele names in data are assumed to be already normalized. print("Training data: %s" % (str(df.shape))) (held_out_fraction, held_out_max) = ( args.held_out_measurements_per_allele_fraction_and_max) folds_df = assign_folds( df=df, num_folds=args.num_folds, held_out_fraction=held_out_fraction, held_out_max=held_out_max) allele_sequences_in_use = allele_sequences[ allele_sequences.index.isin(df.allele) ] print("Will use %d / %d allele sequences" % ( len(allele_sequences_in_use), len(allele_sequences))) # All alleles, not just those with training data. full_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( alleles=allele_sequences.index.values, allele_to_sequence=allele_sequences.to_dict() ) # Only alleles with training data. For efficiency we perform model training # using only these alleles in the neural network embedding layer. allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( alleles=allele_sequences_in_use.index.values, allele_to_sequence=allele_sequences_in_use.to_dict()) if not os.path.exists(args.out_models_dir): print("Attempting to create directory: %s" % args.out_models_dir) os.mkdir(args.out_models_dir) print("Done.") predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_sequence=allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence, metadata_dataframes={ 'train_data': pandas.merge( df, folds_df, left_index=True, right_index=True) }) work_items = [] for (h, hyperparameters) in enumerate(hyperparameters_lst): if 'n_models' in hyperparameters: raise ValueError("n_models is unsupported") if args.max_epochs: hyperparameters['max_epochs'] = args.max_epochs if hyperparameters.get("train_data", {}).get("pretrain", False): if not args.pretrain_data: raise ValueError("--pretrain-data is required") for fold in range(args.num_folds): for replicate in range(args.num_replicates): work_dict = { 'work_item_name': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'architecture_num': h, 'num_architectures': len(hyperparameters_lst), 'fold_num': fold, 'num_folds': args.num_folds, 'replicate_num': replicate, 'num_replicates': args.num_replicates, 'hyperparameters': hyperparameters, 'pretrain_data_filename': args.pretrain_data, } work_items.append(work_dict) training_init_info = {} training_init_info["train_data"] = df training_init_info["folds_df"] = folds_df training_init_info["allele_encoding"] = allele_encoding training_init_info["full_allele_encoding"] = full_allele_encoding training_init_info["work_items"] = work_items # Save empty predictor (for metadata) # Write training_init_info. with open(join(args.out_models_dir, "training_init_info.pkl"), "wb") as fd: pickle.dump(training_init_info, fd, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) print("Done initializing training.")
[docs]def train_models(args): global GLOBAL_DATA print("Beginning training.") predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor.load( args.out_models_dir, optimization_level=0) print("Loaded predictor with %d networks" % len(predictor.neural_networks)) with open(join(args.out_models_dir, "training_init_info.pkl"), "rb") as fd: GLOBAL_DATA.update(pickle.load(fd)) print("Loaded training init info.") all_work_items = GLOBAL_DATA["work_items"] complete_work_item_names = [ network.fit_info[-1]["training_info"]["work_item_name"] for network in predictor.neural_networks ] work_items = [ item for item in all_work_items if item["work_item_name"] not in complete_work_item_names ] print("Found %d work items, of which %d are incomplete and will run now." % ( len(all_work_items), len(work_items))) serial_run = not args.cluster_parallelism and args.num_jobs == 0 # The estimated time to completion is more accurate if we randomize # the order of the work. random.shuffle(work_items) for (work_item_num, item) in enumerate(work_items): item['work_item_num'] = work_item_num item['num_work_items'] = len(work_items) item['progress_print_interval'] = 60.0 if not serial_run else 5.0 item['predictor'] = predictor if serial_run else None item['save_to'] = args.out_models_dir if serial_run else None item['verbose'] = args.verbosity if args.pretrain_data: item['pretrain_data_filename'] = args.pretrain_data start = time.time() worker_pool = None if serial_run: # Run in serial. Every worker is passed the same predictor, # which it adds models to, so no merging is required. It also saves # as it goes so no saving is required at the end. print("Processing %d work items in serial." % len(work_items)) for _ in tqdm.trange(len(work_items)): item = work_items.pop(0) # want to keep freeing up memory work_predictor = train_model(**item) assert work_predictor is predictor assert not work_items results_generator = None elif args.cluster_parallelism: # Run using separate processes HPC cluster. results_generator = cluster_results_from_args( args, work_function=train_model, work_items=work_items, constant_data=GLOBAL_DATA, result_serialization_method="save_predictor") else: worker_pool = worker_pool_with_gpu_assignments_from_args(args) print("Worker pool", worker_pool) assert worker_pool is not None print("Processing %d work items in parallel." % len(work_items)) assert not serial_run for item in work_items: item['constant_data'] = GLOBAL_DATA results_generator = worker_pool.imap_unordered( partial(call_wrapped_kwargs, train_model), work_items, chunksize=1) if results_generator: for new_predictor in tqdm.tqdm(results_generator, total=len(work_items)): save_start = time.time() (new_model_name,) = predictor.merge_in_place([new_predictor]) args.out_models_dir, model_names_to_write=[new_model_name], write_metadata=False) print( "Saved predictor (%d models total) with 1 new models" "in %0.2f sec to %s" % ( len(predictor.neural_networks), time.time() - save_start, args.out_models_dir)) # We want the final predictor to support all alleles with sequences, not # just those we actually used for model training. predictor.allele_to_sequence = ( GLOBAL_DATA['full_allele_encoding'].allele_to_sequence) predictor.clear_cache() print("Done.") print("*" * 30) training_time = time.time() - start print("Trained affinity predictor with %d networks in %0.2f min." % ( len(predictor.neural_networks), training_time / 60.0)) print("*" * 30) if worker_pool: worker_pool.close() worker_pool.join() print("Predictor written to: %s" % args.out_models_dir)
[docs]def train_model( work_item_name, work_item_num, num_work_items, architecture_num, num_architectures, fold_num, num_folds, replicate_num, num_replicates, hyperparameters, pretrain_data_filename, verbose, progress_print_interval, predictor, save_to, constant_data=GLOBAL_DATA): df = constant_data["train_data"] folds_df = constant_data["folds_df"] allele_encoding = constant_data["allele_encoding"] if predictor is None: predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_sequence=allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence) numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(df), len(folds_df)) train_data = df.loc[ folds_df["fold_%d" % fold_num] ].sample(frac=1.0) train_peptides = EncodableSequences(train_data.peptide.values) train_alleles = AlleleEncoding( train_data.allele.values, borrow_from=allele_encoding) progress_preamble = ( "[task %2d / %2d]: " "[%2d / %2d folds] " "[%2d / %2d architectures] " "[%4d / %4d replicates] " % ( work_item_num + 1, num_work_items, fold_num + 1, num_folds, architecture_num + 1, num_architectures, replicate_num + 1, num_replicates)) print("%s [pid %d]. Hyperparameters:" % (progress_preamble, os.getpid())) pprint.pprint(hyperparameters) train_params = dict(hyperparameters.get("train_data", {})) def get_train_param(param, default): if param in train_params: result = train_params.pop(param) if verbose: print("Train param", param, "=", result) else: result = default if verbose: print("Train param", param, "=", result, "[default]") return result if get_train_param("pretrain", False): pretrain_patience = get_train_param("pretrain_patience", 10) pretrain_min_delta = get_train_param("pretrain_min_delta", 0.0) pretrain_steps_per_epoch = get_train_param( "pretrain_steps_per_epoch", 10) pretrain_max_epochs = get_train_param("pretrain_max_epochs", 1000) pretrain_min_epochs = get_train_param("pretrain_min_epochs", 0) pretrain_peptides_per_step = get_train_param( "pretrain_peptides_per_step", 1024) max_val_loss = get_train_param("pretrain_max_val_loss", None) if verbose: print("Unused train params", train_params) attempt = 0 while True: attempt += 1 print("Pre-training attempt %d" % attempt) if attempt > 10: print("Too many pre-training attempts! Stopping pretraining.") break model = Class1NeuralNetwork(**hyperparameters) assert is None generator = pretrain_data_iterator( pretrain_data_filename, allele_encoding, peptides_per_chunk=pretrain_peptides_per_step) model.fit_generator( generator, validation_peptide_encoding=train_peptides, validation_affinities=train_data.measurement_value.values, validation_allele_encoding=train_alleles, validation_inequalities=train_data.measurement_inequality.values, patience=pretrain_patience, min_delta=pretrain_min_delta, steps_per_epoch=pretrain_steps_per_epoch, epochs=pretrain_max_epochs, min_epochs=pretrain_min_epochs, verbose=verbose, progress_preamble=progress_preamble + "PRETRAIN", progress_print_interval=progress_print_interval, ) model.fit_info[-1].setdefault( "training_info", {})["pretrain_attempt"] = attempt if not max_val_loss: break final_val_loss = model.fit_info[-1]["val_loss"][-1] if final_val_loss >= max_val_loss: print("Val loss %f >= max val loss %f. Pre-training again." % ( final_val_loss, max_val_loss)) else: print("Val loss %f < max val loss %f. Done pre-training." % ( final_val_loss, max_val_loss)) break # Use a smaller learning rate for training on real data learning_rate = model.fit_info[-1]["learning_rate"] model.hyperparameters['learning_rate'] = learning_rate / 10 else: model = Class1NeuralNetwork(**hyperparameters) peptides=train_peptides, affinities=train_data.measurement_value.values, allele_encoding=train_alleles, inequalities=( train_data.measurement_inequality.values if "measurement_inequality" in train_data.columns else None), progress_preamble=progress_preamble, progress_print_interval=progress_print_interval, verbose=verbose) # Save model-specific training info train_peptide_hash = hashlib.sha1() for peptide in sorted(train_data.peptide.values): train_peptide_hash.update(peptide.encode()) model.fit_info[-1].setdefault("training_info", {}).update({ "fold_num": fold_num, "num_folds": num_folds, "replicate_num": replicate_num, "num_replicates": num_replicates, "architecture_num": architecture_num, "num_architectures": num_architectures, "train_peptide_hash": train_peptide_hash.hexdigest(), "work_item_name": work_item_name, }) numpy.testing.assert_equal( predictor.manifest_df.shape[0], len(predictor.class1_pan_allele_models)) predictor.add_pan_allele_model(model, models_dir_for_save=save_to) numpy.testing.assert_equal( predictor.manifest_df.shape[0], len(predictor.class1_pan_allele_models)) predictor.clear_cache() # Delete the network to release memory model.clear_allele_representations() model.update_network_description() # save weights and config model._network = None # release tensorflow network return predictor
if __name__ == '__main__': run()