Source code for mhcflurry.random_negative_peptides

import logging
import math

import numpy
import pandas

from .hyperparameters import HyperparameterDefaults
from .common import amino_acid_distribution, random_peptides

[docs]class RandomNegativePeptides(object): """ Generate random negative (peptide, allele) pairs. These are used during model training, where they are resampled at each epoch. """ hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( random_negative_rate=0.0, random_negative_constant=0, random_negative_match_distribution=True, random_negative_distribution_smoothing=0.0, random_negative_method="recommended", random_negative_binder_threshold=None, random_negative_lengths=[8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]) """ Hyperperameters for random negative peptides. Number of random negatives will be: random_negative_rate * (num measurements) + random_negative_constant where the exact meaning of (num measurements) depends on the particular random_negative_method in use. If random_negative_match_distribution is True, then the amino acid frequencies of the training data peptides are used to generate the random peptides. Valid values for random_negative_method are: "by_length": used for allele-specific prediction. See description in `RandomNegativePeptides.plan_by_length` method. "by_allele": used for pan-allele prediction. See `RandomNegativePeptides.plan_by_allele` method. "by_allele_equalize_nonbinders": used for pan-allele prediction. See `RandomNegativePeptides.plan_by_allele_equalize_nonbinders` method. "recommended": the default. Use by_length if the predictor is allele- specific and by_allele if it's pan-allele. """ def __init__(self, **hyperparameters): self.hyperparameters = self.hyperparameter_defaults.with_defaults( hyperparameters) self.plan_df = None self.aa_distribution = None
[docs] def plan(self, peptides, affinities, alleles=None, inequalities=None): """ Calculate the number of random negatives for each allele and peptide length. Call this once after instantiating the object. Parameters ---------- peptides : list of string affinities : list of float alleles : list of string, optional inequalities : list of string (">", "<", or "="), optional Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame indicating number of random negatives for each length and allele. """ numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(peptides), len(affinities)) if alleles is not None: numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(peptides), len(alleles)) if inequalities is not None: numpy.testing.assert_equal(len(peptides), len(inequalities)) peptides = pandas.Series(peptides, copy=False) peptide_lengths = peptides.str.len() if self.hyperparameters['random_negative_match_distribution']: self.aa_distribution = amino_acid_distribution( peptides.values, smoothing=self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_distribution_smoothing' ]) "Using amino acid distribution for random negative:\n%s" % ( str(self.aa_distribution.to_dict()))) df_all = pandas.DataFrame({ 'length': peptide_lengths, 'affinity': affinities, }) df_all["allele"] = "" if alleles is None else alleles df_all["inequality"] = "=" if inequalities is None else inequalities df_binders = None df_nonbinders = None if self.hyperparameters['random_negative_binder_threshold']: df_nonbinders = df_all.loc[ (df_all.inequality != "<") & (df_all.affinity > self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_binder_threshold' ]) ] df_binders = df_all.loc[ (df_all.inequality != ">") & (df_all.affinity <= self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_binder_threshold' ]) ] method = self.hyperparameters['random_negative_method'] if method == 'recommended': # by_length for allele-specific prediction and by_allele for pan. method = ( "by_length" if alleles is None else "by_allele") function = { 'by_length': self.plan_by_length, 'by_allele': self.plan_by_allele, 'by_allele_equalize_nonbinders': self.plan_by_allele_equalize_nonbinders, }[method] function(df_all, df_binders, df_nonbinders) assert self.plan_df is not None"Random negative plan [%s]:\n%s", method, self.plan_df) return self.plan_df
[docs] def plan_by_length(self, df_all, df_binders=None, df_nonbinders=None): """ Generate a random negative plan using the "by_length" policy. Parameters are as in the `plan` method. No return value. Used for allele-specific predictors. Does not work well for pan-allele. Different numbers of random negatives per length. Alleles are sampled proportionally to the number of times they are used in the training data. """ assert list(df_all.allele.unique()) == [""], ( "by_length only recommended for allele specific prediction") df = df_all if df_binders is None else df_binders lengths = self.hyperparameters['random_negative_lengths'] length_to_num_random_negative = {} length_counts = df.length.value_counts().to_dict() for length in lengths: length_to_num_random_negative[length] = int( length_counts.get(length, 0) * self.hyperparameters['random_negative_rate'] + self.hyperparameters['random_negative_constant']) plan_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=sorted(df.allele.unique())) for length in lengths: plan_df[length] = length_to_num_random_negative[length] self.plan_df = plan_df.astype(int)
[docs] def plan_by_allele(self, df_all, df_binders=None, df_nonbinders=None): """ Generate a random negative plan using the "by_allele" policy. Parameters are as in the `plan` method. No return value. For each allele, a particular number of random negatives are used for all lengths. Across alleles, the number of random negatives varies; within an allele, the number of random negatives for each length is a constant """ allele_to_num_per_length = {} total_random_peptides_per_length = 0 df = df_all if df_binders is None else df_binders lengths = self.hyperparameters['random_negative_lengths'] all_alleles = df_all.allele.unique() for allele in all_alleles: sub_df = df.loc[df.allele == allele] num_for_allele = len(sub_df) * ( self.hyperparameters['random_negative_rate'] ) + self.hyperparameters['random_negative_constant'] num_per_length = int(math.ceil( num_for_allele / len(lengths))) total_random_peptides_per_length += num_per_length allele_to_num_per_length[allele] = num_per_length plan_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=sorted(df.allele.unique())) for length in lengths: plan_df[length] = self.plan_df = plan_df.astype(int)
[docs] def plan_by_allele_equalize_nonbinders( self, df_all, df_binders, df_nonbinders): """ Generate a random negative plan using the "by_allele_equalize_nonbinders" policy. Parameters are as in the `plan` method. No return value. Requires that the random_negative_binder_threshold hyperparameter is set. In a first step, the number of random negatives selected by the "by_allele" method are added (see `plan_by_allele`). Then, the total number of non-binders are calculated for each allele and length. This total includes non-binder measurements in the training data plus the random negative peptides added in the first step. In a second step, additional random negative peptides are added so that for each allele, all peptide lengths have the same total number of non-binders. """ assert df_binders is not None assert df_nonbinders is not None lengths = self.hyperparameters['random_negative_lengths'] self.plan_by_allele(df_all, df_binders, df_nonbinders) first_pass_plan = self.plan_df self.plan_df = None new_plan = first_pass_plan.copy() new_plan[:] = numpy.nan for (allele, first_pass_per_length) in first_pass_plan.iterrows(): real_nonbinders_by_length = df_nonbinders.loc[ df_nonbinders.allele == allele ].length.value_counts().reindex(lengths).fillna(0) total_nonbinders_by_length = ( real_nonbinders_by_length + first_pass_per_length) new_plan.loc[allele] = first_pass_per_length + ( total_nonbinders_by_length.max() - total_nonbinders_by_length) self.plan_df = new_plan.astype(int)
[docs] def get_alleles(self): """ Get the list of alleles corresponding to each random negative peptide as returned by `get_peptides`. This does NOT change and can be safely called once and reused. Returns ------- list of string """ assert self.plan_df is not None, "Call plan() first" alleles = [] for allele, row in self.plan_df.iterrows(): alleles.extend([allele] * int(row.sum())) assert len(alleles) == self.get_total_count() return alleles
[docs] def get_peptides(self): """ Get the list of random negative peptides. This will be different each time the method is called. Returns ------- list of string """ assert self.plan_df is not None, "Call plan() first" peptides = [] for allele, row in self.plan_df.iterrows(): for (length, num) in row.items(): peptides.extend( random_peptides( num, length=length, distribution=self.aa_distribution)) assert len(peptides) == self.get_total_count() return peptides
[docs] def get_total_count(self): """ Total number of planned random negative peptides. Returns ------- int """ return self.plan_df.sum().sum()