Source code for mhcflurry.flanking_encoding

Class for encoding variable-length flanking and peptides to
fixed-size numerical matrices
from __future__ import (
    print_function, division, absolute_import, )

from six import string_types
from collections import namedtuple
import logging

from .encodable_sequences import EncodingError, EncodableSequences

import numpy
import pandas

EncodingResult =  namedtuple(
    "EncodingResult", ["array", "peptide_lengths"])

[docs]class FlankingEncoding(object): """ Encode peptides and optionally their N- and C-flanking sequences into fixed size numerical matrices. Similar to EncodableSequences but with support for flanking sequences and the encoding scheme used by the processing predictor. Instances of this class have an immutable list of peptides with flanking sequences. Encodings are cached in the instances for faster performance when the same set of peptides needs to encoded more than once. """ unknown_character = "X" def __init__(self, peptides, n_flanks, c_flanks): """ Constructor. Sequences of any lengths can be passed. Parameters ---------- peptides : list of string Peptide sequences n_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides] Upstream sequences c_flanks : list of string [same length as peptides] Downstream sequences """ self.dataframe = pandas.DataFrame({ "peptide": peptides, "n_flank": n_flanks, "c_flank": c_flanks, }, dtype=str) self.encoding_cache = {} def __len__(self): """ Number of peptides. """ return len(self.dataframe)
[docs] def vector_encode( self, vector_encoding_name, peptide_max_length, n_flank_length, c_flank_length, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=True, throw=True): """ Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix. Parameters ---------- vector_encoding_name : string How to represent amino acids. One of "BLOSUM62", "one-hot", etc. See `amino_acid.available_vector_encodings()`. peptide_max_length : int Maximum supported peptide length. n_flank_length : int Maximum supported N-flank length c_flank_length : int Maximum supported C-flank length allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X character before encoding. throw : bool Whether to raise exception on unsupported peptides Returns ------- numpy.array with shape (num sequences, length, m) where - num sequences is number of peptides, i.e. len(self) - length is peptide_max_length + n_flank_length + c_flank_length - m is the vector encoding length (usually 21). """ cache_key = ( "vector_encode", vector_encoding_name, peptide_max_length, n_flank_length, c_flank_length, allow_unsupported_amino_acids, throw) if cache_key not in self.encoding_cache: result = self.encode( vector_encoding_name=vector_encoding_name, df=self.dataframe, peptide_max_length=peptide_max_length, n_flank_length=n_flank_length, c_flank_length=c_flank_length, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=allow_unsupported_amino_acids, throw=throw) self.encoding_cache[cache_key] = result return self.encoding_cache[cache_key]
[docs] @staticmethod def encode( vector_encoding_name, df, peptide_max_length, n_flank_length, c_flank_length, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=False, throw=True): """ Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix. Helper function. Users should use `vector_encode`. Parameters ---------- vector_encoding_name : string df : pandas.DataFrame peptide_max_length : int n_flank_length : int c_flank_length : int allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool throw : bool Returns ------- numpy.array """ error_df = df.loc[ (df.peptide.str.len() > peptide_max_length) | (df.peptide.str.len() < 1) ] if len(error_df) > 0: message = ( "Sequence '%s' (length %d) unsupported. There are %d " "total peptides with this length." % ( error_df.iloc[0].peptide, len(error_df.iloc[0].peptide), len(error_df))) if throw: raise EncodingError( message, supported_peptide_lengths=(1, peptide_max_length + 1)) logging.warning(message) # Replace invalid peptides with X's. The encoding will be set to # NaNs for these peptides farther below. df.loc[error_df.index, "peptide"] = "X" * peptide_max_length if n_flank_length > 0: n_flanks = df.n_flank.str.pad( n_flank_length, side="left", fillchar="X").str.slice(-n_flank_length).str.upper() else: n_flanks = pandas.Series([""] * len(df)) c_flanks = df.c_flank.str.pad( c_flank_length, side="right", fillchar="X").str.slice(0, c_flank_length).str.upper() peptides = df.peptide.str.upper() concatenated = n_flanks + peptides + c_flanks encoder = EncodableSequences.create(concatenated.values) array = encoder.variable_length_to_fixed_length_vector_encoding( vector_encoding_name=vector_encoding_name, alignment_method="right_pad", max_length=n_flank_length + peptide_max_length + c_flank_length, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=allow_unsupported_amino_acids) array = array.astype("float32") # So NaNs can be used. if len(error_df) > 0: array[error_df.index] = numpy.nan result = EncodingResult( array, peptide_lengths=peptides.str.len().values) return result