Source code for mhcflurry.encodable_sequences

Class for encoding variable-length peptides to fixed-size numerical matrices
from __future__ import (

import math
from six import string_types
from functools import partial

import numpy
import pandas

from . import amino_acid

[docs]class EncodingError(ValueError): """ Exception raised when peptides cannot be encoded """ def __init__(self, message, supported_peptide_lengths): self.supported_peptide_lengths = supported_peptide_lengths ValueError.__init__( self, message + " Supported lengths: %s - %s." % supported_peptide_lengths)
[docs]class EncodableSequences(object): """ Class for encoding variable-length peptides to fixed-size numerical matrices This class caches various encodings of a list of sequences. In practice this is used only for peptides. To encode MHC allele sequences, see AlleleEncoding. """ unknown_character = "X"
[docs] @classmethod def create(klass, sequences): """ Factory that returns an EncodableSequences given a list of strings. As a convenience, you can also pass it an EncodableSequences instance, in which case the object is returned unchanged. """ if isinstance(sequences, klass): return sequences return klass(sequences)
def __init__(self, sequences): if not all(isinstance(obj, string_types) for obj in sequences): raise ValueError("Sequence of strings is required") self.sequences = numpy.array(sequences) lengths = pandas.Series(self.sequences, dtype=numpy.object_).str.len() self.min_length = lengths.min() self.max_length = lengths.max() self.encoding_cache = {} self.fixed_sequence_length = None if len(self.sequences) > 0 and all( len(s) == len(self.sequences[0]) for s in self.sequences): self.fixed_sequence_length = len(self.sequences[0]) def __len__(self): return len(self.sequences)
[docs] def variable_length_to_fixed_length_categorical( self, alignment_method="pad_middle", left_edge=4, right_edge=4, max_length=15): """ Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size index-encoded (integer) matrix. See `sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array` for details. Parameters ---------- alignment_method : string One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad" left_edge : int, size of fixed-position left side Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method right_edge : int, size of the fixed-position right side Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method max_length : maximum supported peptide length Returns ------- numpy.array of integers with shape (num sequences, encoded length) For pad_middle, the encoded length is max_length. For left_pad_right_pad, it's 3 * max_length. """ cache_key = ( "fixed_length_categorical", alignment_method, left_edge, right_edge, max_length) if cache_key not in self.encoding_cache: fixed_length_sequences = ( self.sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array( self.sequences, alignment_method=alignment_method, left_edge=left_edge, right_edge=right_edge, max_length=max_length)) self.encoding_cache[cache_key] = fixed_length_sequences return self.encoding_cache[cache_key]
[docs] def variable_length_to_fixed_length_vector_encoding( self, vector_encoding_name, alignment_method="pad_middle", left_edge=4, right_edge=4, max_length=15, trim=False, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=False): """ Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size matrix. Amino acids are encoded as specified by the vector_encoding_name argument. See `sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array` for details. See also: variable_length_to_fixed_length_categorical. Parameters ---------- vector_encoding_name : string How to represent amino acids. One of "BLOSUM62", "one-hot", etc. Full list of supported vector encodings is given by available_vector_encodings(). alignment_method : string One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad" left_edge : int Size of fixed-position left side. Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method right_edge : int Size of the fixed-position right side. Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method max_length : int Maximum supported peptide length trim : bool If True, longer sequences will be trimmed to fit the maximum supported length. Not supported for all alignment methods. allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X character before encoding. Returns ------- numpy.array with shape (num sequences, encoded length, m) where - m is the vector encoding length (usually 21). - encoded length is max_length if alignment_method is pad_middle; 3 * max_length if it's left_pad_right_pad. """ cache_key = ( "fixed_length_vector_encoding", vector_encoding_name, alignment_method, left_edge, right_edge, max_length, trim, allow_unsupported_amino_acids) if cache_key not in self.encoding_cache: fixed_length_sequences = ( self.sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array( self.sequences, alignment_method=alignment_method, left_edge=left_edge, right_edge=right_edge, max_length=max_length, trim=trim, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=allow_unsupported_amino_acids)) result = amino_acid.fixed_vectors_encoding( fixed_length_sequences, amino_acid.ENCODING_DATA_FRAMES[vector_encoding_name]) assert result.shape[0] == len(self.sequences) self.encoding_cache[cache_key] = result return self.encoding_cache[cache_key]
[docs] @classmethod def sequences_to_fixed_length_index_encoded_array( klass, sequences, alignment_method="pad_middle", left_edge=4, right_edge=4, max_length=15, trim=False, allow_unsupported_amino_acids=False): """ Encode variable-length sequences to a fixed-size index-encoded (integer) matrix. How variable length sequences get mapped to fixed length is set by the "alignment_method" argument. Supported alignment methods are: pad_middle Encoding designed for preserving the anchor positions of class I peptides. This is what is used in allele-specific models. Each string must be of length at least left_edge + right_edge and at most max_length. The first left_edge characters in the input always map to the first left_edge characters in the output. Similarly for the last right_edge characters. The middle characters are filled in based on the length, with the X character filling in the blanks. Example: AAAACDDDD -> AAAAXXXCXXXDDDD left_pad_centered_right_pad Encoding that makes no assumptions on anchor positions but is 3x larger than pad_middle, since it duplicates the peptide (left aligned + centered + right aligned). This is what is used for the pan-allele models. Example: AAAACDDDD -> AAAACDDDDXXXXXXXXXAAAACDDDDXXXXXXXXXAAAACDDDD left_pad_right_pad Same as left_pad_centered_right_pad but only includes left- and right-padded peptide. Example: AAAACDDDD -> AAAACDDDDXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAACDDDD Parameters ---------- sequences : list of string alignment_method : string One of "pad_middle" or "left_pad_right_pad" left_edge : int Size of fixed-position left side. Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method right_edge : int Size of the fixed-position right side. Only relevant for pad_middle alignment method max_length : int maximum supported peptide length trim : bool If True, longer sequences will be trimmed to fit the maximum supported length. Not supported for all alignment methods. allow_unsupported_amino_acids : bool If True, non-canonical amino acids will be replaced with the X character before encoding. Returns ------- numpy.array of integers with shape (num sequences, encoded length) For pad_middle, the encoded length is max_length. For left_pad_right_pad, it's 2 * max_length. For left_pad_centered_right_pad, it's 3 * max_length. """ if allow_unsupported_amino_acids: fill_value = amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX['X'] def get_amino_acid_index(a): return amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX.get(a, fill_value) else: get_amino_acid_index = amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX.__getitem__ result = None if alignment_method == 'pad_middle': if trim: raise NotImplementedError("trim not supported") # Result array is int32, filled with X (null amino acid) value. result = numpy.full( fill_value=amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX['X'], shape=(len(sequences), max_length), dtype="int32") df = pandas.DataFrame({"peptide": sequences}, dtype=numpy.object_) df["length"] = df.peptide.str.len() middle_length = max_length - left_edge - right_edge min_length = left_edge + right_edge # For efficiency we handle each supported peptide length using bulk # array operations. for (length, sub_df) in df.groupby("length"): if length < min_length or length > max_length: raise EncodingError( "Sequence '%s' (length %d) unsupported. There are %d " "total peptides with this length." % ( sub_df.iloc[0].peptide, length, len(sub_df)), supported_peptide_lengths=( min_length, max_length)) # Array of shape (num peptides, length) giving fixed-length # amino acid encoding each peptide of the current length. fixed_length_sequences = numpy.stack( lambda s: numpy.array([ get_amino_acid_index(char) for char in s ])).values) num_null = max_length - length num_null_left = int(math.ceil(num_null / 2)) num_middle_filled = middle_length - num_null middle_start = left_edge + num_null_left # Set left edge result[sub_df.index, :left_edge] = fixed_length_sequences[ :, :left_edge ] # Set middle. result[ sub_df.index, middle_start : middle_start + num_middle_filled ] = fixed_length_sequences[ :, left_edge : left_edge + num_middle_filled ] # Set right edge. result[ sub_df.index, -right_edge: ] = fixed_length_sequences[:, -right_edge:] elif alignment_method == "left_pad_right_pad": if trim: raise NotImplementedError("trim not supported") # We arbitrarily set a minimum length of 5, although this encoding # could handle smaller peptides. min_length = 5 # Result array is int32, filled with X (null amino acid) value. result = numpy.full( fill_value=amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX['X'], shape=(len(sequences), max_length * 2), dtype="int32") df = pandas.DataFrame({"peptide": sequences}, dtype=numpy.object_) # For efficiency we handle each supported peptide length using bulk # array operations. for (length, sub_df) in df.groupby(df.peptide.str.len()): if length < min_length or length > max_length: raise EncodingError( "Sequence '%s' (length %d) unsupported. There are %d " "total peptides with this length." % ( sub_df.iloc[0].peptide, length, len(sub_df)), supported_peptide_lengths=( min_length, max_length)) # Array of shape (num peptides, length) giving fixed-length # amino acid encoding each peptide of the current length. fixed_length_sequences = numpy.stack( lambda s: numpy.array([ get_amino_acid_index(char) for char in s ])).values) # Set left edge result[sub_df.index, :length] = fixed_length_sequences # Set right edge. result[sub_df.index, -length:] = fixed_length_sequences elif alignment_method == "left_pad_centered_right_pad": if trim: raise NotImplementedError("trim not supported") # We arbitrarily set a minimum length of 5, although this encoding # could handle smaller peptides. min_length = 5 # Result array is int32, filled with X (null amino acid) value. result = numpy.full( fill_value=amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX['X'], shape=(len(sequences), max_length * 3), dtype="int32") df = pandas.DataFrame({"peptide": sequences}, dtype=numpy.object_) # For efficiency we handle each supported peptide length using bulk # array operations. for (length, sub_df) in df.groupby(df.peptide.str.len()): if length < min_length or length > max_length: raise EncodingError( "Sequence '%s' (length %d) unsupported. There are %d " "total peptides with this length." % ( sub_df.iloc[0].peptide, length, len(sub_df)), supported_peptide_lengths=( min_length, max_length)) # Array of shape (num peptides, length) giving fixed-length # amino acid encoding each peptide of the current length. fixed_length_sequences = numpy.stack( lambda s: numpy.array([ get_amino_acid_index(char) for char in s ])).values) # Set left edge result[sub_df.index, :length] = fixed_length_sequences # Set right edge. result[sub_df.index, -length:] = fixed_length_sequences # Set center. center_left_padding = int( math.floor((max_length - length) / 2)) center_left_offset = max_length + center_left_padding result[ sub_df.index, center_left_offset : center_left_offset + length ] = fixed_length_sequences elif alignment_method in ("right_pad", "left_pad"): min_length = 1 # Result array is int32, filled with X (null amino acid) value. result = numpy.full( fill_value=amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX['X'], shape=(len(sequences), max_length), dtype="int32") df = pandas.DataFrame({"peptide": sequences}, dtype=numpy.object_) # For efficiency we handle each supported peptide length using bulk # array operations. for (length, sub_df) in df.groupby(df.peptide.str.len()): if length < min_length or (not trim and length > max_length): raise EncodingError( "Sequence '%s' (length %d) unsupported. There are %d " "total peptides with this length." % ( sub_df.iloc[0].peptide, length, len(sub_df)), supported_peptide_lengths=( min_length, max_length)) peptides = sub_df.peptide if length > max_length: # Trim. if alignment_method == "right_pad": peptides = peptides.str.slice(0, max_length) else: peptides = peptides.str.slice(length - max_length) # Array of shape (num peptides, length) giving fixed-length # amino acid encoding each peptide of the current length. fixed_length_sequences = numpy.stack( lambda s: numpy.array([ get_amino_acid_index(char) for char in s ])).values) if alignment_method == "right_pad": # Left align (i.e. pad right): set left edge result[sub_df.index, :length] = fixed_length_sequences else: # Right align: set right edge. result[sub_df.index, -length:] = fixed_length_sequences else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported alignment method: %s" % alignment_method) return result