Source code for mhcflurry.downloads

Manage local downloaded data.

from __future__ import (
import logging
import yaml
from os.path import join, exists
from os import environ
from pipes import quote
from collections import OrderedDict
from appdirs import user_data_dir
from pkg_resources import resource_string

import pandas



[docs]def get_downloads_dir(): """ Return the path to local downloaded data """ return _DOWNLOADS_DIR
[docs]def get_current_release(): """ Return the current downloaded data release """ return _CURRENT_RELEASE
[docs]def get_downloads_metadata(): """ Return the contents of downloads.yml as a dict """ global _METADATA if _METADATA is None: _METADATA = yaml.safe_load(resource_string(__name__, "downloads.yml")) return _METADATA
[docs]def get_default_class1_models_dir(test_exists=True): """ Return the absolute path to the default class1 models dir. If environment variable MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_MODELS is set to an absolute path, return that path. If it's set to a relative path (i.e. does not start with /) then return that path taken to be relative to the mhcflurry downloads dir. If environment variable MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_MODELS is NOT set, then return the path to downloaded models in the "models_class1" download. Parameters ---------- test_exists : boolean, optional Whether to raise an exception of the path does not exist Returns ------- string : absolute path """ if _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_MODELS_DIR: result = join(get_downloads_dir(), _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_MODELS_DIR) if test_exists and not exists(result): raise IOError("No such directory: %s" % result) return result return get_path( "models_class1_pan", "models.combined", test_exists=test_exists)
[docs]def get_default_class1_presentation_models_dir(test_exists=True): """ Return the absolute path to the default class1 presentation models dir. See `get_default_class1_models_dir`. If environment variable MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PRESENTATION_MODELS is set to an absolute path, return that path. If it's set to a relative path (does not start with /) then return that path taken to be relative to the mhcflurry downloads dir. Parameters ---------- test_exists : boolean, optional Whether to raise an exception of the path does not exist Returns ------- string : absolute path """ if _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PRESENTATION_MODELS_DIR: result = join( get_downloads_dir(), _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PRESENTATION_MODELS_DIR) if test_exists and not exists(result): raise IOError("No such directory: %s" % result) return result return get_path( "models_class1_presentation", "models", test_exists=test_exists)
[docs]def get_default_class1_processing_models_dir(test_exists=True): """ Return the absolute path to the default class1 processing models dir. See `get_default_class1_models_dir`. If environment variable MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PROCESSING_MODELS is set to an absolute path, return that path. If it's set to a relative path (does not start with /) then return that path taken to be relative to the mhcflurry downloads dir. Parameters ---------- test_exists : boolean, optional Whether to raise an exception of the path does not exist Returns ------- string : absolute path """ if _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PROCESSING_MODELS_DIR: result = join( get_downloads_dir(), _MHCFLURRY_DEFAULT_CLASS1_PROCESSING_MODELS_DIR) if test_exists and not exists(result): raise IOError("No such directory: %s" % result) return result return get_path( "models_class1_processing", "models", test_exists=test_exists)
[docs]def get_current_release_downloads(): """ Return a dict of all available downloads in the current release. The dict keys are the names of the downloads. The values are a dict with two entries: downloaded : bool Whether the download is currently available locally metadata : dict Info about the download from downloads.yml such as URL up_to_date : bool or None Whether the download URL(s) match what was used to download the current data. This is None if it cannot be determined. """ downloads = ( get_downloads_metadata() ['releases'] [get_current_release()] ['downloads']) def up_to_date(dir, urls): try: df = pandas.read_csv(join(dir, "DOWNLOAD_INFO.csv")) return list(df.url) == list(urls) except IOError: return None return OrderedDict( (download["name"], { 'downloaded': exists(join(get_downloads_dir(), download["name"])), 'up_to_date': up_to_date( join(get_downloads_dir(), download["name"]), [download['url']] if 'url' in download else download['part_urls']), 'metadata': download, }) for download in downloads )
[docs]def get_path(download_name, filename='', test_exists=True): """ Get the local path to a file in a MHCflurry download Parameters ----------- download_name : string filename : string Relative path within the download to the file of interest test_exists : boolean If True (default) throw an error telling the user how to download the data if the file does not exist Returns ----------- string giving local absolute path """ assert '/' not in download_name, "Invalid download: %s" % download_name path = join(get_downloads_dir(), download_name, filename) if test_exists and not exists(path): raise RuntimeError( "Missing MHCflurry downloadable file: %s. " "To download this data, run:\n\tmhcflurry-downloads fetch %s\n" "in a shell." % (quote(path), download_name)) return path
[docs]def configure(): """ Setup various global variables based on environment variables. """ global _DOWNLOADS_DIR global _CURRENT_RELEASE _CURRENT_RELEASE = None _DOWNLOADS_DIR = environ.get("MHCFLURRY_DOWNLOADS_DIR") if not _DOWNLOADS_DIR: metadata = get_downloads_metadata() _CURRENT_RELEASE = environ.get("MHCFLURRY_DOWNLOADS_CURRENT_RELEASE") if not _CURRENT_RELEASE: _CURRENT_RELEASE = metadata['current-release'] current_release_compatability = ( metadata["releases"][_CURRENT_RELEASE]["compatibility-version"]) current_compatability = metadata["current-compatibility-version"] if current_release_compatability != current_compatability: logging.warning( "The specified downloads are not compatible with this version " "of the MHCflurry codebase. Downloads: release %s, " "compatability version: %d. Code compatability version: %d", _CURRENT_RELEASE, current_release_compatability, current_compatability) data_dir = environ.get("MHCFLURRY_DATA_DIR") if not data_dir: # increase the version every time we make a breaking change in # how the data is organized. For changes to e.g. just model # serialization, the downloads release numbers should be used. data_dir = user_data_dir("mhcflurry", version="4") _DOWNLOADS_DIR = join(data_dir, _CURRENT_RELEASE) logging.debug("Configured MHCFLURRY_DOWNLOADS_DIR: %s", _DOWNLOADS_DIR)