Source code for mhcflurry.class1_processing_predictor

from __future__ import print_function

from os.path import join, exists, abspath
from os import mkdir
from socket import gethostname
from getpass import getuser

import time
import json
import hashlib
import logging
import collections

import numpy
import pandas

from .version import __version__
from .class1_neural_network import DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE
from .flanking_encoding import FlankingEncoding
from .downloads import get_default_class1_processing_models_dir
from .class1_processing_neural_network import Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork
from .common import save_weights, load_weights, NumpyJSONEncoder

[docs]class Class1ProcessingPredictor(object): """ User-facing interface to antigen processing prediction. Delegates to an ensemble of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork instances. """ def __init__( self, models, manifest_df=None, metadata_dataframes=None, provenance_string=None): """ Instantiate a new Class1ProcessingPredictor Users will generally call load() to restore a saved predictor rather than using this constructor. Parameters ---------- models : list of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork Neural networks in the ensemble. manifest_df : pandas.DataFrame Manifest dataframe. If not specified a new one will be created when needed. metadata_dataframes : dict of string -> pandas.DataFrame Arbitrary metadata associated with this predictor provenance_string : string, optional Optional info string to use in __str__. """ self.models = models self._manifest_df = manifest_df self.metadata_dataframes = ( dict(metadata_dataframes) if metadata_dataframes else {}) self.provenance_string = provenance_string @property def sequence_lengths(self): """ Supported maximum sequence lengths. Passing a peptide greater than the maximum supported length results in an error. Passing an N- or C-flank sequence greater than the maximum supported length results in some part of it being ignored. Returns ------- dict of string -> int Keys are "peptide", "n_flank", "c_flank". Values give the maximum supported sequence length. """ df = pandas.DataFrame([model.sequence_lengths for model in self.models]) return { "peptide": df.peptide.min(), # min: anything greater is error "n_flank": df.n_flank.max(), # max: anything greater is ignored "c_flank": df.c_flank.max(), }
[docs] def add_models(self, models): """ Add models to the ensemble (in-place). Parameters ---------- models : list of Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork Returns ------- list of string Names of the new models. """ new_model_names = [] original_manifest = self.manifest_df new_manifest_rows = [] for model in models: model_name = self.model_name(len(self.models)) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("config_json", json.dumps( model.get_config(), cls=NumpyJSONEncoder)), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T new_manifest_rows.append(row) self.models.append(model) new_model_names.append(model_name) self._manifest_df = pandas.concat( [original_manifest] + new_manifest_rows, ignore_index=True) self.check_consistency() return new_model_names
@property def manifest_df(self): """ A pandas.DataFrame describing the models included in this predictor. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ if self._manifest_df is None: rows = [] for (i, model) in enumerate(self.models): model_config = model.get_config() rows.append(( self.model_name(i), json.dumps(model_config, cls=NumpyJSONEncoder), model )) self._manifest_df = pandas.DataFrame( rows, columns=["model_name", "config_json", "model"]) return self._manifest_df
[docs] @staticmethod def model_name(num): """ Generate a model name Returns ------- string """ random_string = hashlib.sha1( str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest()[:16] return "CLEAVAGE-CLASSI-%d-%s" % ( num, random_string)
[docs] @staticmethod def weights_path(models_dir, model_name): """ Generate the path to the weights file for a model Parameters ---------- models_dir : string model_name : string Returns ------- string """ return join(models_dir, "weights_%s.npz" % model_name)
[docs] def predict( self, peptides, n_flanks=None, c_flanks=None, throw=True, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE): """ Predict antigen processing. Parameters ---------- peptides : list of string Peptide sequences n_flanks : list of string Upstream sequence before each peptide c_flanks : list of string Downstream sequence after each peptide throw : boolean If True, a ValueError will be raised in the case of unsupported peptides. If False, a warning will be logged and the predictions for those peptides will be NaN. batch_size : int Prediction keras batch size. Returns ------- numpy.array Processing scores. Range is 0-1, higher indicates more favorable processing. """ return self.predict_to_dataframe( peptides=peptides, n_flanks=n_flanks, c_flanks=c_flanks, throw=throw, batch_size=batch_size).score.values
[docs] def predict_to_dataframe( self, peptides, n_flanks=None, c_flanks=None, throw=True, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE): """ Predict antigen processing. See `predict` method for parameter descriptions. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Processing predictions are in the "score" column. Also includes peptides and flanking sequences. """ if n_flanks is None: n_flanks = [""] * len(peptides) if c_flanks is None: c_flanks = [""] * len(peptides) sequences = FlankingEncoding( peptides=peptides, n_flanks=n_flanks, c_flanks=c_flanks) return self.predict_to_dataframe_encoded( sequences=sequences, throw=throw, batch_size=batch_size)
[docs] def predict_to_dataframe_encoded( self, sequences, throw=True, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE): """ Predict antigen processing. See `predict` method for more information. Parameters ---------- sequences : FlankingEncoding batch_size : int throw : boolean Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ score_array = [] for (i, network) in enumerate(self.models): predictions = network.predict_encoded( sequences, throw=throw, batch_size=batch_size) score_array.append(predictions) score_array = numpy.array(score_array) result_df = pandas.DataFrame({ "peptide": sequences.dataframe.peptide, "n_flank": sequences.dataframe.n_flank, "c_flank": sequences.dataframe.c_flank, "score": numpy.mean(score_array, axis=0), }) return result_df
[docs] def check_consistency(self): """ Verify that self.manifest_df is consistent with instance variables. Currently only checks for agreement on the total number of models. Throws AssertionError if inconsistent. """ assert len(self.manifest_df) == len(self.models), ( "Manifest seems out of sync with models: %d vs %d entries: \n%s"% ( len(self.manifest_df), len(self.models), str(self.manifest_df)))
[docs] def save(self, models_dir, model_names_to_write=None, write_metadata=True): """ Serialize the predictor to a directory on disk. If the directory does not exist it will be created. The serialization format consists of a file called "manifest.csv" with the configurations of each Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork, along with per-network files giving the model weights. Parameters ---------- models_dir : string Path to directory. It will be created if it doesn't exist. """ self.check_consistency() if model_names_to_write is None: # Write all models model_names_to_write = self.manifest_df.model_name.values if not exists(models_dir): mkdir(models_dir) sub_manifest_df = self.manifest_df.loc[ self.manifest_df.model_name.isin(model_names_to_write) ].copy() # Network JSON configs may have changed since the models were added, # so we update the JSON configs here also. updated_network_config_jsons = [] for (_, row) in sub_manifest_df.iterrows(): updated_network_config_jsons.append( json.dumps(row.model.get_config(), cls=NumpyJSONEncoder)) weights_path = self.weights_path(models_dir, row.model_name) save_weights(row.model.get_weights(), weights_path)"Wrote: %s", weights_path) sub_manifest_df["config_json"] = updated_network_config_jsons self.manifest_df.loc[ sub_manifest_df.index, "config_json" ] = updated_network_config_jsons write_manifest_df = self.manifest_df[[ c for c in self.manifest_df.columns if c != "model" ]] manifest_path = join(models_dir, "manifest.csv") write_manifest_df.to_csv(manifest_path, index=False)"Wrote: %s", manifest_path) if write_metadata: # Write "info.txt" info_path = join(models_dir, "info.txt") rows = [ ("trained on", time.asctime()), ("package ", "mhcflurry %s" % __version__), ("hostname ", gethostname()), ("user ", getuser()), ] pandas.DataFrame(rows).to_csv( info_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False) if self.metadata_dataframes: for (name, df) in self.metadata_dataframes.items(): metadata_df_path = join(models_dir, "%s.csv.bz2" % name) df.to_csv(metadata_df_path, index=False, compression="bz2")
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, models_dir=None, max_models=None): """ Deserialize a predictor from a directory on disk. Parameters ---------- models_dir : string Path to directory. If unspecified the default downloaded models are used. max_models : int, optional Maximum number of models to load Returns ------- `Class1ProcessingPredictor` instance """ if models_dir is None: models_dir = get_default_class1_processing_models_dir() manifest_path = join(models_dir, "manifest.csv") manifest_df = pandas.read_csv(manifest_path, nrows=max_models) models = [] for (_, row) in manifest_df.iterrows(): weights_filename = cls.weights_path(models_dir, row.model_name) config = json.loads(row.config_json) model = Class1ProcessingNeuralNetwork.from_config( config, weights=load_weights(abspath(weights_filename))) models.append(model) manifest_df["model"] = models"Loaded %d class1 processing models", len(models)) provenance_string = None try: info_path = join(models_dir, "info.txt") info = pandas.read_csv( info_path, sep="\t", header=None, index_col=0).iloc[ :, 0 ].to_dict() provenance_string = "generated on %s" % info["trained on"] except OSError: pass result = cls( models=models, manifest_df=manifest_df, provenance_string=provenance_string) return result
def __repr__(self): pieces = ["at 0x%0x" % id(self), "[mhcflurry %s]" % __version__] if self.provenance_string: pieces.append(self.provenance_string) return "<Class1ProcessingPredictor %s>" % " ".join(pieces)