Source code for mhcflurry.class1_neural_network

import time
import collections
import json
import weakref
import itertools
import os
import logging
import random
import math

import numpy
import pandas

from .hyperparameters import HyperparameterDefaults
from .encodable_sequences import EncodableSequences, EncodingError
from .allele_encoding import AlleleEncoding
from .regression_target import to_ic50, from_ic50
from .common import configure_tensorflow
from .custom_loss import get_loss
from .data_dependent_weights_initialization import lsuv_init
from .random_negative_peptides import RandomNegativePeptides

    DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE = int(os.environ[
        "Configured default predict batch size: %d" % DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE)

[docs]class Class1NeuralNetwork(object): """ Low level class I predictor consisting of a single neural network. Both single allele and pan-allele prediction are supported. Users will generally use Class1AffinityPredictor, which gives a higher-level interface and supports ensembles. """ network_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( allele_amino_acid_encoding="BLOSUM62", allele_dense_layer_sizes=[], peptide_encoding={ 'vector_encoding_name': 'BLOSUM62', 'alignment_method': 'pad_middle', 'left_edge': 4, 'right_edge': 4, 'max_length': 15, }, peptide_dense_layer_sizes=[], peptide_allele_merge_method="multiply", peptide_allele_merge_activation="", layer_sizes=[32], dense_layer_l1_regularization=0.001, dense_layer_l2_regularization=0.0, activation="tanh", init="glorot_uniform", output_activation="sigmoid", dropout_probability=0.0, batch_normalization=False, locally_connected_layers=[ { "filters": 8, "activation": "tanh", "kernel_size": 3 } ], topology="feedforward", num_outputs=1, ) """ Hyperparameters (and their default values) that affect the neural network architecture. """ compile_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( loss="custom:mse_with_inequalities", optimizer="rmsprop", learning_rate=None, ) """ Loss and optimizer hyperparameters. """ fit_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( max_epochs=500, validation_split=0.1, early_stopping=True, minibatch_size=128, data_dependent_initialization_method=None, random_negative_affinity_min=20000.0, random_negative_affinity_max=50000.0, random_negative_output_indices=None).extend( RandomNegativePeptides.hyperparameter_defaults) """ Hyperparameters for neural network training. """ early_stopping_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( patience=20, min_delta=0.0, ) """ Hyperparameters for early stopping. """ miscelaneous_hyperparameter_defaults = HyperparameterDefaults( train_data={}, ) """ Miscelaneous hyperaparameters. These parameters are not used by this class but may be interpreted by other code. """ hyperparameter_defaults = network_hyperparameter_defaults.extend( compile_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( fit_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( early_stopping_hyperparameter_defaults).extend( miscelaneous_hyperparameter_defaults ) """ Combined set of all supported hyperparameters and their default values. """ # Hyperparameter renames. # These are updated from time to time as new versions are developed. It # provides a primitive way to allow new code to work with models trained # using older code. # None indicates the hyperparameter has been dropped. hyperparameter_renames = { "use_embedding": None, "pseudosequence_use_embedding": None, "monitor": None, "min_delta": None, "verbose": None, "mode": None, "take_best_epoch": None, 'kmer_size': None, 'peptide_amino_acid_encoding': None, 'embedding_input_dim': None, 'embedding_output_dim': None, 'embedding_init_method': None, 'left_edge': None, 'right_edge': None, }
[docs] @classmethod def apply_hyperparameter_renames(cls, hyperparameters): """ Handle hyperparameter renames. Parameters ---------- hyperparameters : dict Returns ------- dict : updated hyperparameters """ for (from_name, to_name) in cls.hyperparameter_renames.items(): if from_name in hyperparameters: value = hyperparameters.pop(from_name) if to_name: hyperparameters[to_name] = value return hyperparameters
def __init__(self, **hyperparameters): self.hyperparameters = self.hyperparameter_defaults.with_defaults( self.apply_hyperparameter_renames(hyperparameters)) self._network = None self.network_json = None self.network_weights = None self.network_weights_loader = None self.fit_info = [] self.prediction_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() KERAS_MODELS_CACHE = {} """ Process-wide keras model cache, a map from: architecture JSON string to (Keras model, existing network weights) """
[docs] @classmethod def clear_model_cache(klass): """ Clear the Keras model cache. """ klass.KERAS_MODELS_CACHE.clear()
[docs] @classmethod def borrow_cached_network(klass, network_json, network_weights): """ Return a keras Model with the specified architecture and weights. As an optimization, when possible this will reuse architectures from a process-wide cache. The returned object is "borrowed" in the sense that its weights can change later after subsequent calls to this method from other objects. If you're using this from a parallel implementation you'll need to hold a lock while using the returned object. Parameters ---------- network_json : string of JSON network_weights : list of numpy.array Returns ------- keras.models.Model """ assert network_weights is not None key = klass.keras_network_cache_key(network_json) if key not in klass.KERAS_MODELS_CACHE: # Cache miss. configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow.keras.models import model_from_json network = model_from_json(network_json) existing_weights = None else: # Cache hit. (network, existing_weights) = klass.KERAS_MODELS_CACHE[key] if existing_weights is not network_weights: network.set_weights(network_weights) klass.KERAS_MODELS_CACHE[key] = (network, network_weights) # As an added safety check we overwrite the fit method on the returned # model to throw an error if it is called. def throw(*args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Do not call fit on cached model.") = throw return network
[docs] def network(self, borrow=False): """ Return the keras model associated with this predictor. Parameters ---------- borrow : bool Whether to return a cached model if possible. See borrow_cached_network for details Returns ------- keras.models.Model """ if self._network is None and self.network_json is not None: self.load_weights() if borrow: return self.borrow_cached_network( self.network_json, self.network_weights) else: configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow import keras self._network = keras.models.model_from_json(self.network_json) if self.network_weights is not None: self._network.set_weights(self.network_weights) self.network_json = None self.network_weights = None return self._network
[docs] def update_network_description(self): """ Update self.network_json and self.network_weights properties based on this instances's neural network. """ if self._network is not None: self.network_json = self._network.to_json() self.network_weights = self._network.get_weights()
[docs] @staticmethod def keras_network_cache_key(network_json): """ Given a Keras JSON description of a neural network, return a key that uniquely defines this network. Networks that share the same key should have compatible weights matrices and give the same prediction outputs when their weights are the same. Parameters ---------- network_json : string Returns ------- string """ # As an optimization, we remove anything about regularization as these # do not affect predictions. def drop_properties(d): if 'kernel_regularizer' in d: del d['kernel_regularizer'] return d description = json.loads( network_json, object_hook=drop_properties) return json.dumps(description)
[docs] def get_config(self): """ serialize to a dict all attributes except model weights Returns ------- dict """ self.update_network_description() result = dict(self.__dict__) result['_network'] = None result['network_weights'] = None result['network_weights_loader'] = None result['prediction_cache'] = None return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, weights=None, weights_loader=None): """ deserialize from a dict returned by get_config(). Parameters ---------- config : dict weights : list of array, optional Network weights to restore weights_loader : callable, optional Function to call (no arguments) to load weights when needed Returns ------- Class1NeuralNetwork """ config = dict(config) instance = cls(**config.pop('hyperparameters')) instance.__dict__.update(config) instance.network_weights = weights instance.network_weights_loader = weights_loader instance.prediction_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() return instance
[docs] def load_weights(self): """ Load weights by evaluating self.network_weights_loader, if needed. After calling this, self.network_weights_loader will be None and self.network_weights will be the weights list, if available. """ if self.network_weights_loader: self.network_weights = self.network_weights_loader() self.network_weights_loader = None
[docs] def get_weights(self): """ Get the network weights Returns ------- list of numpy.array giving weights for each layer or None if there is no network """ self.update_network_description() self.load_weights() return self.network_weights
def __getstate__(self): """ serialize to a dict. Model weights are included. For pickle support. Returns ------- dict """ self.update_network_description() self.load_weights() result = dict(self.__dict__) result['_network'] = None result['prediction_cache'] = None return result def __setstate__(self, state): """ Deserialize. For pickle support. """ self.__dict__.update(state) self.prediction_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary()
[docs] def peptides_to_network_input(self, peptides): """ Encode peptides to the fixed-length encoding expected by the neural network (which depends on the architecture). Parameters ---------- peptides : EncodableSequences or list of string Returns ------- numpy.array """ encoder = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) encoded = encoder.variable_length_to_fixed_length_vector_encoding( **self.hyperparameters['peptide_encoding']) assert len(encoded) == len(peptides) return encoded
@property def supported_peptide_lengths(self): """ (minimum, maximum) lengths of peptides supported, inclusive. Returns ------- (int, int) tuple """ # We currently have an arbitrary hard floor of 5, even if the underlying # peptide encoding supports smaller lengths. # # We empirically find the supported peptide lengths based on the # lengths for which peptides_to_network_input throws ValueError. try: self.peptides_to_network_input([""]) except EncodingError as e: return e.supported_peptide_lengths raise RuntimeError("peptides_to_network_input did not raise")
[docs] def allele_encoding_to_network_input(self, allele_encoding): """ Encode alleles to the fixed-length encoding expected by the neural network (which depends on the architecture). Parameters ---------- allele_encoding : AlleleEncoding Returns ------- (numpy.array, numpy.array) Indices and allele representations. """ return ( allele_encoding.indices, allele_encoding.allele_representations( self.hyperparameters['allele_amino_acid_encoding']))
[docs] @staticmethod def data_dependent_weights_initialization( network, x_dict=None, method="lsuv", verbose=1): """ Data dependent weights initialization. Parameters ---------- network : keras.Model x_dict : dict of string -> numpy.ndarray Training data as would be passed method : string Initialization method. Currently only "lsuv" is supported. verbose : int Status updates printed to stdout if verbose > 0 """ if verbose: print("Performing data-dependent init: ", method) if method == "lsuv": assert x_dict is not None, "Data required for LSUV init" lsuv_init(network, x_dict, verbose=verbose > 0) else: raise RuntimeError("Unsupported init method: ", method)
[docs] def fit_generator( self, generator, validation_peptide_encoding, validation_affinities, validation_allele_encoding=None, validation_inequalities=None, validation_output_indices=None, steps_per_epoch=10, epochs=1000, min_epochs=0, patience=10, min_delta=0.0, verbose=1, progress_callback=None, progress_preamble="", progress_print_interval=5.0): """ Fit using a generator. Does not support many of the features of fit(), such as random negative peptides. Fitting proceeds until early stopping is hit, using the peptides, affinities, etc. given by the parameters starting with "validation_". This is used for pre-training pan-allele models using data synthesized by the allele-specific models. Parameters ---------- generator : generator yielding (alleles, peptides, affinities) tuples where alleles and peptides are lists of strings, and affinities is list of floats. validation_peptide_encoding : EncodableSequences validation_affinities : list of float validation_allele_encoding : AlleleEncoding validation_inequalities : list of string validation_output_indices : list of int steps_per_epoch : int epochs : int min_epochs : int patience : int min_delta : float verbose : int progress_callback : thunk progress_preamble : string progress_print_interval : float """ configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow.keras import backend as K fit_info = collections.defaultdict(list) loss = get_loss(self.hyperparameters['loss']) (validation_allele_input, allele_representations) = ( self.allele_encoding_to_network_input(validation_allele_encoding)) if is None: self._network = self.make_network( allele_representations=allele_representations, **self.network_hyperparameter_defaults.subselect( self.hyperparameters)) if verbose > 0: network = network.compile( loss=loss.loss, optimizer=self.hyperparameters['optimizer']) network.make_predict_function() self.set_allele_representations(allele_representations) if self.hyperparameters['learning_rate'] is not None: K.set_value(, self.hyperparameters['learning_rate']) fit_info["learning_rate"] = float( K.get_value( validation_x_dict = { 'peptide': self.peptides_to_network_input( validation_peptide_encoding), 'allele': validation_allele_input, } encode_y_kwargs = {} if validation_inequalities is not None: encode_y_kwargs["inequalities"] = validation_inequalities if validation_output_indices is not None: encode_y_kwargs["output_indices"] = validation_output_indices output = loss.encode_y( from_ic50(validation_affinities), **encode_y_kwargs) validation_y_dict = { 'output': output, } mutable_generator_state = { 'yielded_values': 0 # total number of data points yielded } def wrapped_generator(): for (alleles, peptides, affinities) in generator: (allele_encoding_input, _) = ( self.allele_encoding_to_network_input(alleles)) x_dict = { 'peptide': self.peptides_to_network_input(peptides), 'allele': allele_encoding_input, } y_dict = { 'output': from_ic50(affinities) } yield (x_dict, y_dict) mutable_generator_state['yielded_values'] += len(affinities) start = time.time() iterator = wrapped_generator() # Initialization required if a data_dependent_initialization_method # is set and this is our first time fitting (i.e. fit_info is empty). data_dependent_init = self.hyperparameters[ 'data_dependent_initialization_method' ] if data_dependent_init and not self.fit_info: first_chunk = next(iterator) self.data_dependent_weights_initialization( network, first_chunk[0], # x_dict method=data_dependent_init, verbose=verbose) iterator = itertools.chain([first_chunk], iterator) min_val_loss_iteration = None min_val_loss = None last_progress_print = 0 epoch = 1 while True: epoch_start_time = time.time() fit_history = iterator, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, initial_epoch=epoch - 1, epochs=epoch, use_multiprocessing=False, workers=0, validation_data=(validation_x_dict, validation_y_dict), verbose=verbose, ) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start_time for (key, value) in fit_history.history.items(): fit_info[key].extend(value) val_loss = fit_info['val_loss'][-1] if min_val_loss is None or val_loss < min_val_loss - min_delta: min_val_loss = val_loss min_val_loss_iteration = epoch patience_epoch_threshold = min( epochs, max(min_val_loss_iteration + patience, min_epochs)) progress_message = ( "epoch %3d/%3d [%0.2f sec.]: loss=%g val_loss=%g. Min val " "loss %g at epoch %s. Cum. points: %d. Stop at epoch %d." % ( epoch, epochs, epoch_time, fit_info['loss'][-1], val_loss, min_val_loss, min_val_loss_iteration, mutable_generator_state['yielded_values'], patience_epoch_threshold, )).strip() # Print progress no more often than once every few seconds. if progress_print_interval is not None and ( time.time() - last_progress_print > progress_print_interval): print(progress_preamble, progress_message) last_progress_print = time.time() if progress_callback: progress_callback() if epoch >= patience_epoch_threshold: if progress_print_interval is not None: print(progress_preamble, "STOPPING", progress_message) break epoch += 1 fit_info["time"] = time.time() - start fit_info["num_points"] = mutable_generator_state["yielded_values"] self.fit_info.append(dict(fit_info))
[docs] def fit( self, peptides, affinities, allele_encoding=None, inequalities=None, output_indices=None, sample_weights=None, shuffle_permutation=None, verbose=1, progress_callback=None, progress_preamble="", progress_print_interval=5.0): """ Fit the neural network. Parameters ---------- peptides : EncodableSequences or list of string affinities : list of float nM affinities. Must be same length of as peptides. allele_encoding : AlleleEncoding If not specified, the model will be a single-allele predictor. inequalities : list of string, each element one of ">", "<", or "=". Inequalities to use for fitting. Same length as affinities. Each element must be one of ">", "<", or "=". For example, a ">" will train on y_pred > y_true for that element in the training set. Requires using a custom losses that support inequalities (e.g. mse_with_ineqalities). If None all inequalities are taken to be "=". output_indices : list of int For multi-output models only. Same length as affinities. Indicates the index of the output (starting from 0) for each training example. sample_weights : list of float If not specified, all samples (including random negatives added during training) will have equal weight. If specified, the random negatives will be assigned weight=1.0. shuffle_permutation : list of int Permutation (integer list) of same length as peptides and affinities If None, then a random permutation will be generated. verbose : int Keras verbosity level progress_callback : function No-argument function to call after each epoch. progress_preamble : string Optional string of information to include in each progress update progress_print_interval : float How often (in seconds) to print progress update. Set to None to disable. """ configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow.keras import backend as K encodable_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) peptide_encoding = self.peptides_to_network_input(encodable_peptides) fit_info = collections.defaultdict(list) random_negatives_planner = RandomNegativePeptides( **RandomNegativePeptides.hyperparameter_defaults.subselect( self.hyperparameters)) random_negatives_planner.plan( peptides=encodable_peptides.sequences, affinities=affinities, alleles=allele_encoding.alleles if allele_encoding else None, inequalities=inequalities) random_negatives_allele_encoding = None if allele_encoding is not None: random_negatives_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( random_negatives_planner.get_alleles(), borrow_from=allele_encoding) num_random_negatives = random_negatives_planner.get_total_count() y_values = from_ic50(numpy.array(affinities, copy=False)) assert numpy.isnan(y_values).sum() == 0, y_values if inequalities is not None: # Reverse inequalities because from_ic50() flips the direction # (i.e. lower affinity results in higher y values). adjusted_inequalities = pandas.Series(inequalities).map({ "=": "=", ">": "<", "<": ">", }).values else: adjusted_inequalities = numpy.tile("=", len(y_values)) if len(adjusted_inequalities) != len(y_values): raise ValueError("Inequalities and y_values must have same length") x_dict_without_random_negatives = { 'peptide': peptide_encoding, } allele_representations = None if allele_encoding is not None: (allele_encoding_input, allele_representations) = ( self.allele_encoding_to_network_input(allele_encoding)) x_dict_without_random_negatives['allele'] = allele_encoding_input # Shuffle y_values and the contents of x_dict_without_random_negatives # This ensures different data is used for the test set for early # stopping when multiple models are trained. if shuffle_permutation is None: shuffle_permutation = numpy.random.permutation(len(y_values)) y_values = y_values[shuffle_permutation] assert numpy.isnan(y_values).sum() == 0, y_values peptide_encoding = peptide_encoding[shuffle_permutation] adjusted_inequalities = adjusted_inequalities[shuffle_permutation] for key in x_dict_without_random_negatives: x_dict_without_random_negatives[key] = ( x_dict_without_random_negatives[key][shuffle_permutation]) if sample_weights is not None: sample_weights = numpy.array(sample_weights, copy=False)[ shuffle_permutation ] if output_indices is not None: output_indices = numpy.array(output_indices, copy=False)[ shuffle_permutation ] loss = get_loss(self.hyperparameters['loss']) if not loss.supports_inequalities and ( any(inequality != "=" for inequality in adjusted_inequalities)): raise ValueError("Loss %s does not support inequalities" % loss) if (not loss.supports_multiple_outputs and output_indices is not None and (output_indices != 0).any()): raise ValueError("Loss %s does not support multiple outputs" % loss) if self.hyperparameters['num_outputs'] != 1: if output_indices is None: raise ValueError( "Must supply output_indices for multi-output predictor") if is None: self._network = self.make_network( allele_representations=allele_representations, **self.network_hyperparameter_defaults.subselect( self.hyperparameters)) if verbose > 0: if allele_representations is not None: self.set_allele_representations(allele_representations) loss=loss.loss, optimizer=self.hyperparameters['optimizer']) if self.hyperparameters['learning_rate'] is not None: K.set_value(, self.hyperparameters['learning_rate']) fit_info["learning_rate"] = float( K.get_value( if loss.supports_inequalities: # Do not sample negative affinities: just use an inequality. random_negative_ic50 = self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_affinity_min' ] random_negative_target = from_ic50(random_negative_ic50) y_dict_with_random_negatives = { "output": numpy.concatenate([ numpy.tile( random_negative_target, num_random_negatives), y_values, ]), } # Note: we are using "<" here not ">" because the inequalities are # now in target-space (0-1) not affinity-space. adjusted_inequalities_with_random_negatives = ( ["<"] * num_random_negatives + list(adjusted_inequalities)) else: # Randomly sample random negative affinities y_dict_with_random_negatives = { "output": numpy.concatenate([ from_ic50( numpy.random.uniform( self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_affinity_min'], self.hyperparameters[ 'random_negative_affinity_max'], num_random_negatives)), y_values, ]), } adjusted_inequalities_with_random_negatives = None assert numpy.isnan(y_dict_with_random_negatives['output']).sum() == 0, ( y_dict_with_random_negatives) if sample_weights is not None: sample_weights_with_random_negatives = numpy.concatenate([ numpy.ones(num_random_negatives), sample_weights]) else: sample_weights_with_random_negatives = None if output_indices is not None: random_negative_output_indices = ( self.hyperparameters['random_negative_output_indices'] if self.hyperparameters['random_negative_output_indices'] else list(range(0, self.hyperparameters['num_outputs']))) output_indices_with_random_negatives = numpy.concatenate([ pandas.Series(random_negative_output_indices, dtype=int).sample( n=num_random_negatives, replace=True).values, output_indices ]) else: output_indices_with_random_negatives = None encode_y_kwargs = {} if adjusted_inequalities_with_random_negatives is not None: encode_y_kwargs["inequalities"] = ( adjusted_inequalities_with_random_negatives) if output_indices_with_random_negatives is not None: encode_y_kwargs["output_indices"] = ( output_indices_with_random_negatives) y_dict_with_random_negatives['output'] = loss.encode_y( y_dict_with_random_negatives['output'], **encode_y_kwargs) min_val_loss_iteration = None min_val_loss = None # Initialization required if a data_dependent_initialization_method # is set and this is our first time fitting (i.e. fit_info is empty). needs_initialization = self.hyperparameters[ 'data_dependent_initialization_method' ] is not None and not self.fit_info start = time.time() last_progress_print = None x_dict_with_random_negatives = {} for i in range(self.hyperparameters['max_epochs']): random_negative_peptides = EncodableSequences.create( random_negatives_planner.get_peptides()) random_negative_peptides_encoding = ( self.peptides_to_network_input(random_negative_peptides)) if not x_dict_with_random_negatives: if len(random_negative_peptides) > 0: x_dict_with_random_negatives[ "peptide" ] = numpy.concatenate([ random_negative_peptides_encoding, x_dict_without_random_negatives['peptide'], ]) if 'allele' in x_dict_without_random_negatives: x_dict_with_random_negatives[ 'allele' ] = numpy.concatenate([ self.allele_encoding_to_network_input( random_negatives_allele_encoding)[0], x_dict_without_random_negatives['allele'] ]) else: x_dict_with_random_negatives = ( x_dict_without_random_negatives) else: # Update x_dict_with_random_negatives in place. # This is more memory efficient than recreating it as above. if len(random_negative_peptides) > 0: x_dict_with_random_negatives[ "peptide" ][:num_random_negatives] = random_negative_peptides_encoding if needs_initialization: self.data_dependent_weights_initialization(, x_dict_with_random_negatives, method=self.hyperparameters[ 'data_dependent_initialization_method'], verbose=verbose) needs_initialization = False epoch_start = time.time() fit_history = x_dict_with_random_negatives, y_dict_with_random_negatives, shuffle=True, batch_size=self.hyperparameters['minibatch_size'], verbose=verbose, epochs=i + 1, initial_epoch=i, validation_split=self.hyperparameters['validation_split'], sample_weight=sample_weights_with_random_negatives) epoch_time = time.time() - epoch_start for (key, value) in fit_history.history.items(): fit_info[key].extend(value) # Print progress no more often than once every few seconds. if progress_print_interval is not None and ( not last_progress_print or ( time.time() - last_progress_print > progress_print_interval)): print((progress_preamble + " " + "Epoch %3d / %3d [%0.2f sec]: loss=%g. " "Min val loss (%s) at epoch %s" % ( i, self.hyperparameters['max_epochs'], epoch_time, fit_info['loss'][-1], str(min_val_loss), min_val_loss_iteration)).strip()) last_progress_print = time.time() if self.hyperparameters['validation_split']: val_loss = fit_info['val_loss'][-1] if min_val_loss is None or ( val_loss < min_val_loss - self.hyperparameters['min_delta']): min_val_loss = val_loss min_val_loss_iteration = i if self.hyperparameters['early_stopping']: threshold = ( min_val_loss_iteration + self.hyperparameters['patience']) if i > threshold: if progress_print_interval is not None: print((progress_preamble + " " + "Stopping at epoch %3d / %3d: loss=%g. " "Min val loss (%g) at epoch %s" % ( i, self.hyperparameters['max_epochs'], fit_info['loss'][-1], ( min_val_loss if min_val_loss is not None else numpy.nan), min_val_loss_iteration)).strip()) break if progress_callback: progress_callback() fit_info["time"] = time.time() - start fit_info["num_points"] = len(peptides) self.fit_info.append(dict(fit_info))
[docs] def predict( self, peptides, allele_encoding=None, batch_size=DEFAULT_PREDICT_BATCH_SIZE, output_index=0): """ Predict affinities. If peptides are specified as EncodableSequences, then the predictions will be cached for this predictor as long as the EncodableSequences object remains in memory. The cache is keyed in the object identity of the EncodableSequences, not the sequences themselves. The cache is used only for allele-specific models (i.e. when allele_encoding is None). Parameters ---------- peptides : EncodableSequences or list of string allele_encoding : AlleleEncoding, optional Only required when this model is a pan-allele model batch_size : int batch_size passed to Keras output_index : int or None For multi-output models. Gives the output index to return. If set to None, then all outputs are returned as a samples x outputs matrix. Returns ------- numpy.array of nM affinity predictions """ assert self.prediction_cache is not None use_cache = ( allele_encoding is None and isinstance(peptides, EncodableSequences)) if use_cache and peptides in self.prediction_cache: return self.prediction_cache[peptides].copy() x_dict = { 'peptide': self.peptides_to_network_input(peptides) } if allele_encoding is not None: (allele_encoding_input, allele_representations) = ( self.allele_encoding_to_network_input(allele_encoding)) x_dict['allele'] = allele_encoding_input self.set_allele_representations(allele_representations) network = else: network = raw_predictions = network.predict(x_dict, batch_size=batch_size) predictions = numpy.array(raw_predictions, dtype = "float64") if output_index is not None: predictions = predictions[:,output_index] result = to_ic50(predictions) if use_cache: self.prediction_cache[peptides] = result return result
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, models, merge_method="average"): """ Merge multiple models at the tensorflow (or other backend) level. Only certain neural network architectures support merging. Others will result in a NotImplementedError. Parameters ---------- models : list of Class1NeuralNetwork instances to merge merge_method : string, one of "average", "sum", or "concatenate" How to merge the predictions of the different models Returns ------- Class1NeuralNetwork The merged neural network """ configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow.keras import backend as K from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, average, add, concatenate from tensorflow.keras.models import Model if len(models) == 1: return models[0] assert len(models) > 1 result = Class1NeuralNetwork(**dict(models[0].hyperparameters)) # Remove hyperparameters that are not shared by all models. for model in models: for (key, value) in model.hyperparameters.items(): if result.hyperparameters.get(key, value) != value: del result.hyperparameters[key] assert result._network is None networks = [ for model in models ] layer_names = [ [ for layer in network.layers] for network in networks ] pan_allele_layer_initial_names = [ 'allele', 'peptide', 'allele_representation', 'flattened_0', 'allele_flat', 'allele_peptide_merged', 'dense_0', 'dropout_0', #'dense_1', 'dropout_1', 'output', ] pan_allele_layer_final_names = [ 'output' ] def startswith(lst, prefix): return lst[:len(prefix)] == prefix def endswith(lst, suffix): return lst[-len(suffix):] == suffix if all(startswith(names, pan_allele_layer_initial_names) and endswith(names, pan_allele_layer_final_names) for names in layer_names): # Merging an ensemble of pan-allele architectures network = networks[0] peptide_input = Input( shape=tuple(int(x) for x in K.int_shape(network.inputs[0])[1:]), dtype='float32', name='peptide') allele_input = Input( shape=(1,), dtype='float32', name='allele') allele_embedding = network.get_layer( "allele_representation")(allele_input) peptide_flat = network.get_layer("flattened_0")(peptide_input) allele_flat = network.get_layer("allele_flat")(allele_embedding) allele_peptide_merged = network.get_layer("allele_peptide_merged")( [peptide_flat, allele_flat]) sub_networks = [] for (i, network) in enumerate(networks): layers = network.layers[ pan_allele_layer_initial_names.index( "allele_peptide_merged") + 1: ] for layer in layers: new_name = + "_%d" % i layer._name = new_name assert == new_name, (, new_name) node = allele_peptide_merged layer_name_to_new_node = { "allele_peptide_merged": allele_peptide_merged, } for layer in layers: assert not in layer_name_to_new_node input_layer_names = [] for inbound_node in layer._inbound_nodes: try: inbound_layers = list(inbound_node.inbound_layers) except TypeError: inbound_layers = [inbound_node.inbound_layers] for inbound_layer in inbound_layers: input_layer_names.append( input_nodes = [ layer_name_to_new_node[name] for name in input_layer_names ] if len(input_nodes) == 1: node = layer(input_nodes[0]) else: node = layer(input_nodes) layer_name_to_new_node[] = node sub_networks.append(node) if merge_method == 'average': output = average(sub_networks) elif merge_method == 'sum': output = add(sub_networks) elif merge_method == 'concatenate': output = concatenate(sub_networks) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Unsupported merge method", merge_method) result._network = Model( inputs=[peptide_input, allele_input], outputs=[output], name="merged_predictor" ) result.update_network_description() else: raise NotImplementedError( "Don't know merge_method to merge networks with layer names: ", layer_names) return result
[docs] def make_network( self, peptide_encoding, allele_amino_acid_encoding, allele_dense_layer_sizes, peptide_dense_layer_sizes, peptide_allele_merge_method, peptide_allele_merge_activation, layer_sizes, dense_layer_l1_regularization, dense_layer_l2_regularization, activation, init, output_activation, dropout_probability, batch_normalization, locally_connected_layers, topology, num_outputs=1, allele_representations=None): """ Helper function to make a keras network for class 1 affinity prediction. """ # We import keras here to avoid tensorflow debug output, etc. unless we # are actually about to use Keras. configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras.layers import ( Input, Dense, Flatten, Dropout, Embedding, BatchNormalization) peptide_encoding_shape = self.peptides_to_network_input([]).shape[1:] peptide_input = Input( shape=peptide_encoding_shape, dtype='float32', name='peptide') current_layer = peptide_input inputs = [peptide_input] kernel_regularizer = None l1 = dense_layer_l1_regularization l2 = dense_layer_l2_regularization if l1 > 0 or l2 > 0: kernel_regularizer = keras.regularizers.l1_l2(l1, l2) for (i, locally_connected_params) in enumerate(locally_connected_layers): current_layer = keras.layers.LocallyConnected1D( name="lc_%d" % i, **locally_connected_params)(current_layer) current_layer = Flatten(name="flattened_0")(current_layer) for (i, layer_size) in enumerate(peptide_dense_layer_sizes): current_layer = Dense( layer_size, name="peptide_dense_%d" % i, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, activation=activation)(current_layer) if batch_normalization: current_layer = BatchNormalization(name="batch_norm_early")( current_layer) if allele_representations is not None: allele_input = Input( shape=(1,), dtype='float32', name='allele') inputs.append(allele_input) allele_layer = Embedding( name="allele_representation", input_dim=allele_representations.shape[0], output_dim=numpy.product(allele_representations.shape[1:], dtype=int), input_length=1, trainable=False)(allele_input) for (i, layer_size) in enumerate(allele_dense_layer_sizes): allele_layer = Dense( layer_size, name="allele_dense_%d" % i, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, activation=activation)(allele_layer) allele_layer = Flatten(name="allele_flat")(allele_layer) if peptide_allele_merge_method == 'concatenate': current_layer = keras.layers.concatenate([ current_layer, allele_layer ], name="allele_peptide_merged") elif peptide_allele_merge_method == 'multiply': current_layer = keras.layers.multiply([ current_layer, allele_layer ], name="allele_peptide_merged") else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported peptide_allele_encoding_merge_method: %s" % peptide_allele_merge_method) if peptide_allele_merge_activation: current_layer = keras.layers.Activation( peptide_allele_merge_activation, name="alelle_peptide_merged_%s" % peptide_allele_merge_activation)(current_layer) if topology == "feedforward": densenet_layers = None elif topology == "with-skip-connections": densenet_layers = [] else: raise NotImplementedError(topology) for (i, layer_size) in enumerate(layer_sizes): if densenet_layers is not None: densenet_layers.append(current_layer) if len(densenet_layers) > 1: current_layer = keras.layers.concatenate( densenet_layers[-2:]) else: (current_layer,) = densenet_layers current_layer = Dense( layer_size, activation=activation, kernel_regularizer=kernel_regularizer, name="dense_%d" % i)(current_layer) if batch_normalization: current_layer = BatchNormalization( name="batch_norm_%d" % i)(current_layer) if dropout_probability > 0: current_layer = Dropout( rate=1 - dropout_probability, name="dropout_%d" % i)(current_layer) # Note that when using densenet topology, we intentionally do not have # any skip connections to the final output node. This empirically seems # to work better. output = Dense( num_outputs, kernel_initializer=init, activation=output_activation, name="output")(current_layer) model = keras.models.Model( inputs=inputs, outputs=[output], name="predictor") return model
[docs] def clear_allele_representations(self): """ Set allele representations to an empty array. Useful before saving to save a smaller version of the model. """ original_model = layer = original_model.get_layer("allele_representation") existing_weights_shape = (layer.input_dim, layer.output_dim) self.set_allele_representations( numpy.zeros(shape=(1,) + existing_weights_shape[1:]), force_surgery=True)
[docs] def set_allele_representations(self, allele_representations, force_surgery=False): """ Set the allele representations in use by this model. This means mutating the weights for the allele input embedding layer. Rationale: instead of passing in the allele sequence for each data point during model training or prediction (which is expensive in terms of memory usage), we pass in an allele index between 0 and n-1 where n is the number of alleles in some universe of possible alleles. This index is used in the model to lookup the corresponding allele sequence. This function sets the lookup table. See also: AlleleEncoding.allele_representations() Parameters ---------- allele_representations : numpy.ndarray of shape (a, l, m) where a is the total number of alleles, l is the allele sequence length, m is the length of the vectors used to represent amino acids """ configure_tensorflow() from tensorflow.keras.models import clone_model reshaped = allele_representations.reshape(( allele_representations.shape[0], numpy.product(allele_representations.shape[1:]) )) original_model = layer = original_model.get_layer("allele_representation") existing_weights_shape = (layer.input_dim, layer.output_dim) # Only changes to the number of supported alleles (not the length of # the allele sequences) are allowed. assert existing_weights_shape[1:] == reshaped.shape[1:], ( existing_weights_shape, reshaped.shape) if existing_weights_shape[0] > reshaped.shape[0] and not force_surgery: # Extend with NaNs so we can avoid having to reshape the weights # matrix, which is expensive. reshaped = numpy.append( reshaped, numpy.ones([ existing_weights_shape[0] - reshaped.shape[0], reshaped.shape[1] ]) * numpy.nan, axis=0) if existing_weights_shape != reshaped.shape: # Network surgery required. Make a new network with this layer's # dimensions changed. Kind of a hack. layer.input_dim = reshaped.shape[0] new_model = clone_model(original_model) # copy weights for other layers over for layer in new_model.layers: if != "allele_representation": layer.set_weights( original_model.get_layer( self._network = new_model self.update_network_description() layer = new_model.get_layer("allele_representation") # Disable the old model to catch bugs. def throw(*args, **kwargs): raise RuntimeError("Using a disabled model!") original_model.predict = \ original_model.to_json = \ original_model.get_weights = \ = \ original_model.fit_generator = throw layer.set_weights([reshaped])