Source code for mhcflurry.class1_affinity_predictor

import collections
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import time
import warnings
from os.path import join, exists, abspath
from os import mkdir, environ
from socket import gethostname
from getpass import getuser
from functools import partial
from six import string_types

import numpy
from numpy.testing import assert_equal
import pandas

import mhcnames

from .class1_neural_network import Class1NeuralNetwork
from .common import random_peptides, positional_frequency_matrix
from .downloads import get_default_class1_models_dir
from .encodable_sequences import EncodableSequences
from .percent_rank_transform import PercentRankTransform
from .regression_target import to_ic50
from .version import __version__
from .ensemble_centrality import CENTRALITY_MEASURES
from .allele_encoding import AlleleEncoding
from .common import save_weights, load_weights

# Default function for combining predictions across models in an ensemble.
# See for other options.

# Any value > 0 will result in attempting to optimize models after loading.

[docs]class Class1AffinityPredictor(object): """ High-level interface for peptide/MHC I binding affinity prediction. This class manages low-level `Class1NeuralNetwork` instances, each of which wraps a single Keras network. The purpose of `Class1AffinityPredictor` is to implement ensembles, handling of multiple alleles, and predictor loading and saving. It also provides a place to keep track of metadata like prediction histograms for percentile rank calibration. """ def __init__( self, allele_to_allele_specific_models=None, class1_pan_allele_models=None, allele_to_sequence=None, manifest_df=None, allele_to_percent_rank_transform=None, metadata_dataframes=None, provenance_string=None): """ Parameters ---------- allele_to_allele_specific_models : dict of string -> list of `Class1NeuralNetwork` Ensemble of single-allele models to use for each allele. class1_pan_allele_models : list of `Class1NeuralNetwork` Ensemble of pan-allele models. allele_to_sequence : dict of string -> string MHC allele name to fixed-length amino acid sequence (sometimes referred to as the pseudosequence). Required only if class1_pan_allele_models is specified. manifest_df : `pandas.DataFrame`, optional Must have columns: model_name, allele, config_json, model. Only required if you want to update an existing serialization of a Class1AffinityPredictor. Otherwise this dataframe will be generated automatically based on the supplied models. allele_to_percent_rank_transform : dict of string -> `PercentRankTransform`, optional `PercentRankTransform` instances to use for each allele metadata_dataframes : dict of string -> pandas.DataFrame, optional Optional additional dataframes to write to the models dir when save() is called. Useful for tracking provenance. provenance_string : string, optional Optional info string to use in __str__. """ if allele_to_allele_specific_models is None: allele_to_allele_specific_models = {} if class1_pan_allele_models is None: class1_pan_allele_models = [] self.allele_to_sequence = ( dict(allele_to_sequence) if allele_to_sequence is not None else None) # make a copy self._master_allele_encoding = None if class1_pan_allele_models: assert self.allele_to_sequence self.allele_to_allele_specific_models = allele_to_allele_specific_models self.class1_pan_allele_models = class1_pan_allele_models self._manifest_df = manifest_df if not allele_to_percent_rank_transform: allele_to_percent_rank_transform = {} self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform = allele_to_percent_rank_transform self.metadata_dataframes = ( dict(metadata_dataframes) if metadata_dataframes else {}) self._cache = {} self.optimization_info = {} assert isinstance(self.allele_to_allele_specific_models, dict) assert isinstance(self.class1_pan_allele_models, list) self.provenance_string = provenance_string @property def manifest_df(self): """ A pandas.DataFrame describing the models included in this predictor. Based on: - self.class1_pan_allele_models - self.allele_to_allele_specific_models Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ if self._manifest_df is None: rows = [] for (i, model) in enumerate(self.class1_pan_allele_models): rows.append(( self.model_name("pan-class1", i), "pan-class1", json.dumps(model.get_config()), model )) for (allele, models) in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.items(): for (i, model) in enumerate(models): rows.append(( self.model_name(allele, i), allele, json.dumps(model.get_config()), model )) self._manifest_df = pandas.DataFrame( rows, columns=["model_name", "allele", "config_json", "model"]) return self._manifest_df
[docs] def clear_cache(self): """ Clear values cached based on the neural networks in this predictor. Users should call this after mutating any of the following: - self.class1_pan_allele_models - self.allele_to_allele_specific_models - self.allele_to_sequence Methods that mutate these instance variables will call this method on their own if needed. """ self._cache.clear() self.provenance_string = None
@property def neural_networks(self): """ List of the neural networks in the ensemble. Returns ------- list of `Class1NeuralNetwork` """ result = [] for models in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.values(): result.extend(models) result.extend(self.class1_pan_allele_models) return result
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, predictors): """ Merge the ensembles of two or more `Class1AffinityPredictor` instances. Note: the resulting merged predictor will NOT have calibrated percentile ranks. Call `calibrate_percentile_ranks` on it if these are needed. Parameters ---------- predictors : sequence of `Class1AffinityPredictor` Returns ------- `Class1AffinityPredictor` instance """ assert len(predictors) > 0 if len(predictors) == 1: return predictors[0] allele_to_allele_specific_models = collections.defaultdict(list) class1_pan_allele_models = [] allele_to_sequence = predictors[0].allele_to_sequence for predictor in predictors: for (allele, networks) in ( predictor.allele_to_allele_specific_models.items()): allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele].extend(networks) class1_pan_allele_models.extend( predictor.class1_pan_allele_models) return Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_allele_specific_models=allele_to_allele_specific_models, class1_pan_allele_models=class1_pan_allele_models, allele_to_sequence=allele_to_sequence )
[docs] def merge_in_place(self, others): """ Add the models present in other predictors into the current predictor. Parameters ---------- others : list of Class1AffinityPredictor Other predictors to merge into the current predictor. Returns ------- list of string : names of newly added models """ new_model_names = [] original_manifest = self.manifest_df new_manifest_rows = [] for predictor in others: for model in predictor.class1_pan_allele_models: model_name = self.model_name( "pan-class1", len(self.class1_pan_allele_models)) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("allele", "pan-class1"), ("config_json", json.dumps(model.get_config())), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T new_manifest_rows.append(row) self.class1_pan_allele_models.append(model) new_model_names.append(model_name) for allele in predictor.allele_to_allele_specific_models: if allele not in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models: self.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele] = [] current_models = self.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele] for model in predictor.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele]: model_name = self.model_name(allele, len(current_models)) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("allele", allele), ("config_json", json.dumps(model.get_config())), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T new_manifest_rows.append(row) current_models.append(model) new_model_names.append(model_name) self._manifest_df = pandas.concat( [original_manifest] + new_manifest_rows, ignore_index=True) self.clear_cache() self.check_consistency() return new_model_names
@property def supported_alleles(self): """ Alleles for which predictions can be made. Returns ------- list of string """ if 'supported_alleles' not in self._cache: result = set(self.allele_to_allele_specific_models) if self.allele_to_sequence: result = result.union(self.allele_to_sequence) self._cache["supported_alleles"] = sorted(result) return self._cache["supported_alleles"] @property def supported_peptide_lengths(self): """ (minimum, maximum) lengths of peptides supported by *all models*, inclusive. Returns ------- (int, int) tuple """ if 'supported_peptide_lengths' not in self._cache: length_ranges = set( network.supported_peptide_lengths for network in self.neural_networks) result = ( max(lower for (lower, upper) in length_ranges), min(upper for (lower, upper) in length_ranges)) self._cache["supported_peptide_lengths"] = result return self._cache["supported_peptide_lengths"]
[docs] def check_consistency(self): """ Verify that self.manifest_df is consistent with: - self.class1_pan_allele_models - self.allele_to_allele_specific_models Currently only checks for agreement on the total number of models. Throws AssertionError if inconsistent. """ num_models = len(self.class1_pan_allele_models) + sum( len(v) for v in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.values()) assert len(self.manifest_df) == num_models, ( "Manifest seems out of sync with models: %d vs %d entries: " "\n%s\npan-allele: %s\nallele-specific: %s"% ( len(self.manifest_df), num_models, str(self.manifest_df), str(self.class1_pan_allele_models), str(self.allele_to_allele_specific_models)))
[docs] def save(self, models_dir, model_names_to_write=None, write_metadata=True): """ Serialize the predictor to a directory on disk. If the directory does not exist it will be created. The serialization format consists of a file called "manifest.csv" with the configurations of each Class1NeuralNetwork, along with per-network files giving the model weights. If there are pan-allele predictors in the ensemble, the allele sequences are also stored in the directory. There is also a small file "index.txt" with basic metadata: when the models were trained, by whom, on what host. Parameters ---------- models_dir : string Path to directory. It will be created if it doesn't exist. model_names_to_write : list of string, optional Only write the weights for the specified models. Useful for incremental updates during training. write_metadata : boolean, optional Whether to write optional metadata """ self.check_consistency() if model_names_to_write is None: # Write all models model_names_to_write = self.manifest_df.model_name.values if not exists(models_dir): mkdir(models_dir) sub_manifest_df = self.manifest_df.loc[ self.manifest_df.model_name.isin(model_names_to_write) ].copy() # Network JSON configs may have changed since the models were added, # for example due to changes to the allele representation layer. # So we update the JSON configs here also. updated_network_config_jsons = [] for (_, row) in sub_manifest_df.iterrows(): updated_network_config_jsons.append( json.dumps(row.model.get_config())) weights_path = self.weights_path(models_dir, row.model_name) save_weights(row.model.get_weights(), weights_path)"Wrote: %s", weights_path) sub_manifest_df["config_json"] = updated_network_config_jsons self.manifest_df.loc[ sub_manifest_df.index, "config_json" ] = updated_network_config_jsons write_manifest_df = self.manifest_df[[ c for c in self.manifest_df.columns if c != "model" ]] manifest_path = join(models_dir, "manifest.csv") write_manifest_df.to_csv(manifest_path, index=False)"Wrote: %s", manifest_path) if write_metadata: # Write "info.txt" info_path = join(models_dir, "info.txt") rows = [ ("trained on", time.asctime()), ("package ", "mhcflurry %s" % __version__), ("hostname ", gethostname()), ("user ", getuser()), ] pandas.DataFrame(rows).to_csv( info_path, sep="\t", header=False, index=False) if self.metadata_dataframes: for (name, df) in self.metadata_dataframes.items(): metadata_df_path = join(models_dir, "%s.csv.bz2" % name) df.to_csv(metadata_df_path, index=False, compression="bz2") # Save allele sequences if self.allele_to_sequence is not None: allele_to_sequence_df = pandas.DataFrame( list(self.allele_to_sequence.items()), columns=['allele', 'sequence'] ) allele_to_sequence_df.to_csv( join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv"), index=False)"Wrote: %s", join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv")) if self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform: percent_ranks_df = None for (allele, transform) in self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform.items(): series = transform.to_series() if percent_ranks_df is None: percent_ranks_df = pandas.DataFrame(index=series.index) numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( series.index.values, percent_ranks_df.index.values) percent_ranks_df[allele] = series.values percent_ranks_path = join(models_dir, "percent_ranks.csv") percent_ranks_df.to_csv( percent_ranks_path, index=True, index_label="bin")"Wrote: %s", percent_ranks_path)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(models_dir=None, max_models=None, optimization_level=None): """ Deserialize a predictor from a directory on disk. Parameters ---------- models_dir : string Path to directory. If unspecified the default downloaded models are used. max_models : int, optional Maximum number of `Class1NeuralNetwork` instances to load optimization_level : int If >0, model optimization will be attempted. Defaults to value of environment variable MHCFLURRY_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL. Returns ------- `Class1AffinityPredictor` instance """ if models_dir is None: try: models_dir = get_default_class1_models_dir() except RuntimeError as e: # Fall back to the affinity predictor included in presentation # predictor if possible. from mhcflurry.class1_presentation_predictor import ( Class1PresentationPredictor) try: presentation_predictor = Class1PresentationPredictor.load() return presentation_predictor.affinity_predictor except RuntimeError: raise e if optimization_level is None: optimization_level = OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL manifest_path = join(models_dir, "manifest.csv") manifest_df = pandas.read_csv(manifest_path, nrows=max_models) allele_to_allele_specific_models = collections.defaultdict(list) class1_pan_allele_models = [] all_models = [] for (_, row) in manifest_df.iterrows(): weights_filename = Class1AffinityPredictor.weights_path( models_dir, row.model_name) config = json.loads(row.config_json) # We will lazy-load weights when the network is used. model = Class1NeuralNetwork.from_config( config, weights_loader=partial(load_weights, abspath(weights_filename))) if row.allele == "pan-class1": class1_pan_allele_models.append(model) else: allele_to_allele_specific_models[row.allele].append(model) all_models.append(model) manifest_df["model"] = all_models # Load allele sequences allele_to_sequence = None if exists(join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv")): allele_to_sequence = pandas.read_csv( join(models_dir, "allele_sequences.csv"), index_col=0).iloc[:, 0].to_dict() allele_to_percent_rank_transform = {} percent_ranks_path = join(models_dir, "percent_ranks.csv") if exists(percent_ranks_path): percent_ranks_df = pandas.read_csv(percent_ranks_path, index_col=0) for allele in percent_ranks_df.columns: allele_to_percent_rank_transform[allele] = ( PercentRankTransform.from_series(percent_ranks_df[allele])) "Loaded %d class1 pan allele predictors, %d allele sequences, " "%d percent rank distributions, and %d allele specific models: %s", len(class1_pan_allele_models), len(allele_to_sequence) if allele_to_sequence else 0, len(allele_to_percent_rank_transform), sum(len(v) for v in allele_to_allele_specific_models.values()), ", ".join( "%s (%d)" % (allele, len(v)) for (allele, v) in sorted(allele_to_allele_specific_models.items()))) provenance_string = None try: info_path = join(models_dir, "info.txt") info = pandas.read_csv( info_path, sep="\t", header=None, index_col=0).iloc[ :, 0 ].to_dict() provenance_string = "generated on %s" % info["trained on"] except OSError: pass result = Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_allele_specific_models=allele_to_allele_specific_models, class1_pan_allele_models=class1_pan_allele_models, allele_to_sequence=allele_to_sequence, manifest_df=manifest_df, allele_to_percent_rank_transform=allele_to_percent_rank_transform, provenance_string=provenance_string ) if optimization_level >= 1: optimized = result.optimize() "Model optimization %s", "succeeded" if optimized else "not supported for these models") return result
def __repr__(self): pieces = ["at 0x%0x" % id(self), "[mhcflurry %s]" % __version__] pan_models = len(self.class1_pan_allele_models) total_models = len(self.neural_networks) if total_models == 0: pieces.append("[empty]") elif pan_models == total_models: pieces.append("[pan]") elif pan_models == 0: pieces.append("[allele-specific]") else: pieces.append("[pan+allele-specific]") if self.provenance_string: pieces.append(self.provenance_string) return "<Class1AffinityPredictor %s>" % " ".join(pieces)
[docs] def optimize(self, warn=True): """ EXPERIMENTAL: Optimize the predictor for faster predictions. Currently the only optimization implemented is to merge multiple pan- allele predictors at the tensorflow level. The optimization is performed in-place, mutating the instance. Returns ---------- bool Whether optimization was performed """ num_class1_pan_allele_models = len(self.class1_pan_allele_models) if num_class1_pan_allele_models > 1: provenance_string = self.provenance_string try: self.class1_pan_allele_models = [ Class1NeuralNetwork.merge( self.class1_pan_allele_models, merge_method="concatenate") ] except NotImplementedError as e: if warn: logging.warning("Optimization failed: %s", str(e)) return False self._manifest_df = None self.clear_cache() self.optimization_info["pan_models_merged"] = True self.optimization_info["num_pan_models_merged"] = ( num_class1_pan_allele_models) self.provenance_string = provenance_string else: return False return True
[docs] @staticmethod def model_name(allele, num): """ Generate a model name Parameters ---------- allele : string num : int Returns ------- string """ random_string = hashlib.sha1( str(time.time()).encode()).hexdigest()[:16] return "%s-%d-%s" % ( allele.upper().replace("*", "_").replace(":", "_"), num, random_string)
[docs] @staticmethod def weights_path(models_dir, model_name): """ Generate the path to the weights file for a model Parameters ---------- models_dir : string model_name : string Returns ------- string """ return join(models_dir, "weights_%s.npz" % model_name)
@property def master_allele_encoding(self): """ An AlleleEncoding containing the universe of alleles specified by self.allele_to_sequence. Returns ------- AlleleEncoding """ if (self._master_allele_encoding is None or self._master_allele_encoding.allele_to_sequence != self.allele_to_sequence): self._master_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( allele_to_sequence=self.allele_to_sequence) return self._master_allele_encoding
[docs] def fit_allele_specific_predictors( self, n_models, architecture_hyperparameters_list, allele, peptides, affinities, inequalities=None, train_rounds=None, models_dir_for_save=None, verbose=0, progress_preamble="", progress_print_interval=5.0): """ Fit one or more allele specific predictors for a single allele using one or more neural network architectures. The new predictors are saved in the Class1AffinityPredictor instance and will be used on subsequent calls to `predict`. Parameters ---------- n_models : int Number of neural networks to fit architecture_hyperparameters_list : list of dict List of hyperparameter sets. allele : string peptides : `EncodableSequences` or list of string affinities : list of float nM affinities inequalities : list of string, each element one of ">", "<", or "=" See `` for details. train_rounds : sequence of int Each training point i will be used on training rounds r for which train_rounds[i] > r, r >= 0. models_dir_for_save : string, optional If specified, the Class1AffinityPredictor is (incrementally) written to the given models dir after each neural network is fit. verbose : int Keras verbosity progress_preamble : string Optional string of information to include in each progress update progress_print_interval : float How often (in seconds) to print progress. Set to None to disable. Returns ------- list of `Class1NeuralNetwork` """ allele = mhcnames.normalize_allele_name(allele) if allele not in self.allele_to_allele_specific_models: self.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele] = [] encodable_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) peptides_affinities_inequalities_per_round = [ (encodable_peptides, affinities, inequalities) ] if train_rounds is not None: for round in sorted(set(train_rounds)): round_mask = train_rounds > round if round_mask.any(): sub_encodable_peptides = EncodableSequences.create( encodable_peptides.sequences[round_mask]) peptides_affinities_inequalities_per_round.append(( sub_encodable_peptides, affinities[round_mask], None if inequalities is None else inequalities[round_mask])) n_rounds = len(peptides_affinities_inequalities_per_round) n_architectures = len(architecture_hyperparameters_list) # Adjust progress info to indicate number of models and # architectures. pieces = [] if n_models > 1: pieces.append("Model {model_num:2d} / {n_models:2d}") if n_architectures > 1: pieces.append( "Architecture {architecture_num:2d} / {n_architectures:2d}") if len(peptides_affinities_inequalities_per_round) > 1: pieces.append("Round {round:2d} / {n_rounds:2d}") pieces.append("{n_peptides:4d} peptides") progress_preamble_template = "[ %s ] {user_progress_preamble}" % ( ", ".join(pieces)) models = [] for model_num in range(n_models): for (architecture_num, architecture_hyperparameters) in enumerate( architecture_hyperparameters_list): model = Class1NeuralNetwork(**architecture_hyperparameters) for round_num in range(n_rounds): (round_peptides, round_affinities, round_inequalities) = ( peptides_affinities_inequalities_per_round[round_num] ) round_peptides, round_affinities, inequalities=round_inequalities, verbose=verbose, progress_preamble=progress_preamble_template.format( n_peptides=len(round_peptides), round=round_num, n_rounds=n_rounds, user_progress_preamble=progress_preamble, model_num=model_num + 1, n_models=n_models, architecture_num=architecture_num + 1, n_architectures=n_architectures), progress_print_interval=progress_print_interval) model_name = self.model_name(allele, model_num) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("allele", allele), ("config_json", json.dumps(model.get_config())), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T self._manifest_df = pandas.concat( [self.manifest_df, row], ignore_index=True) self.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele].append(model) if models_dir_for_save: models_dir_for_save, model_names_to_write=[model_name]) models.append(model) self.clear_cache() return models
[docs] def fit_class1_pan_allele_models( self, n_models, architecture_hyperparameters, alleles, peptides, affinities, inequalities, models_dir_for_save=None, verbose=1, progress_preamble="", progress_print_interval=5.0): """ Fit one or more pan-allele predictors using a single neural network architecture. The new predictors are saved in the Class1AffinityPredictor instance and will be used on subsequent calls to `predict`. Parameters ---------- n_models : int Number of neural networks to fit architecture_hyperparameters : dict alleles : list of string Allele names (not sequences) corresponding to each peptide peptides : `EncodableSequences` or list of string affinities : list of float nM affinities inequalities : list of string, each element one of ">", "<", or "=" See for details. models_dir_for_save : string, optional If specified, the Class1AffinityPredictor is (incrementally) written to the given models dir after each neural network is fit. verbose : int Keras verbosity progress_preamble : string Optional string of information to include in each progress update progress_print_interval : float How often (in seconds) to print progress. Set to None to disable. Returns ------- list of `Class1NeuralNetwork` """ alleles = pandas.Series(alleles).map(mhcnames.normalize_allele_name) allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( alleles, borrow_from=self.master_allele_encoding) encodable_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) models = [] for i in range(n_models):"Training model %d / %d", i + 1, n_models) model = Class1NeuralNetwork(**architecture_hyperparameters) encodable_peptides, affinities, inequalities=inequalities, allele_encoding=allele_encoding, verbose=verbose, progress_preamble=progress_preamble, progress_print_interval=progress_print_interval) model_name = self.model_name("pan-class1", i) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("allele", "pan-class1"), ("config_json", json.dumps(model.get_config())), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T self._manifest_df = pandas.concat( [self.manifest_df, row], ignore_index=True) self.class1_pan_allele_models.append(model) if models_dir_for_save: models_dir_for_save, model_names_to_write=[model_name]) models.append(model) self.clear_cache() return models
[docs] def add_pan_allele_model(self, model, models_dir_for_save=None): """ Add a pan-allele model to the ensemble and optionally do an incremental save. Parameters ---------- model : Class1NeuralNetwork models_dir_for_save : string Directory to save resulting ensemble to """ model_name = self.model_name("pan-class1", 1) row = pandas.Series(collections.OrderedDict([ ("model_name", model_name), ("allele", "pan-class1"), ("config_json", json.dumps(model.get_config())), ("model", model), ])).to_frame().T self._manifest_df = pandas.concat( [self.manifest_df, row], ignore_index=True) self.class1_pan_allele_models.append(model) self.clear_cache() self.check_consistency() if models_dir_for_save: models_dir_for_save, model_names_to_write=[model_name])
[docs] def percentile_ranks(self, affinities, allele=None, alleles=None, throw=True): """ Return percentile ranks for the given ic50 affinities and alleles. The 'allele' and 'alleles' argument are as in the `predict` method. Specify one of these. Parameters ---------- affinities : sequence of float nM affinities allele : string alleles : sequence of string throw : boolean If True, a ValueError will be raised in the case of unsupported alleles. If False, a warning will be logged and NaN will be returned for those percentile ranks. Returns ------- numpy.array of float """ if allele is not None: normalized_allele = mhcnames.normalize_allele_name(allele) try: transform = self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform[normalized_allele] return transform.transform(affinities) except KeyError: if self.allele_to_sequence: # See if we have information for an equivalent allele sequence = self.allele_to_sequence[normalized_allele] other_alleles = [ other_allele for (other_allele, other_sequence) in self.allele_to_sequence.items() if other_sequence == sequence ] for other_allele in other_alleles: if other_allele in self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform: transform = self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform[ other_allele] return transform.transform(affinities) msg = "Allele %s has no percentile rank information" % ( allele + ( "" if allele == normalized_allele else " (normalized to %s)" % normalized_allele)) if throw: raise ValueError(msg) warnings.warn(msg) return numpy.ones(len(affinities)) * numpy.nan # Return NaNs if alleles is None: raise ValueError("Specify allele or alleles") df = pandas.DataFrame({"affinity": affinities}) df["allele"] = alleles df["result"] = numpy.nan for (allele, sub_df) in df.groupby("allele"): df.loc[sub_df.index, "result"] = self.percentile_ranks( sub_df.affinity, allele=allele, throw=throw) return df.result.values
[docs] def predict( self, peptides, alleles=None, allele=None, throw=True, centrality_measure=DEFAULT_CENTRALITY_MEASURE, model_kwargs={}): """ Predict nM binding affinities. If multiple predictors are available for an allele, the predictions are the geometric means of the individual model (nM) predictions. One of 'allele' or 'alleles' must be specified. If 'allele' is specified all predictions will be for the given allele. If 'alleles' is specified it must be the same length as 'peptides' and give the allele corresponding to each peptide. Parameters ---------- peptides : `EncodableSequences` or list of string alleles : list of string allele : string throw : boolean If True, a ValueError will be raised in the case of unsupported alleles or peptide lengths. If False, a warning will be logged and the predictions for the unsupported alleles or peptides will be NaN. centrality_measure : string or callable Measure of central tendency to use to combine predictions in the ensemble. Options include: mean, median, robust_mean. model_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to Class1NeuralNetwork.predict Returns ------- numpy.array of predictions """ df = self.predict_to_dataframe( peptides=peptides, alleles=alleles, allele=allele, throw=throw, include_percentile_ranks=False, include_confidence_intervals=False, centrality_measure=centrality_measure, model_kwargs=model_kwargs ) return df.prediction.values
[docs] def predict_to_dataframe( self, peptides, alleles=None, allele=None, throw=True, include_individual_model_predictions=False, include_percentile_ranks=True, include_confidence_intervals=True, centrality_measure=DEFAULT_CENTRALITY_MEASURE, model_kwargs={}): """ Predict nM binding affinities. Gives more detailed output than `predict` method, including 5-95% prediction intervals. If multiple predictors are available for an allele, the predictions are the geometric means of the individual model predictions. One of 'allele' or 'alleles' must be specified. If 'allele' is specified all predictions will be for the given allele. If 'alleles' is specified it must be the same length as 'peptides' and give the allele corresponding to each peptide. Parameters ---------- peptides : `EncodableSequences` or list of string alleles : list of string allele : string throw : boolean If True, a ValueError will be raised in the case of unsupported alleles or peptide lengths. If False, a warning will be logged and the predictions for the unsupported alleles or peptides will be NaN. include_individual_model_predictions : boolean If True, the predictions of each individual model are included as columns in the result DataFrame. include_percentile_ranks : boolean, default True If True, a "prediction_percentile" column will be included giving the percentile ranks. If no percentile rank info is available, this will be ignored with a warning. centrality_measure : string or callable Measure of central tendency to use to combine predictions in the ensemble. Options include: mean, median, robust_mean. model_kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments to pass to Class1NeuralNetwork.predict Returns ------- `pandas.DataFrame` of predictions """ if isinstance(peptides, string_types): raise TypeError("peptides must be a list or array, not a string") if isinstance(alleles, string_types): raise TypeError("alleles must be a list or array, not a string") if allele is None and alleles is None: raise ValueError("Must specify 'allele' or 'alleles'.") peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) df = pandas.DataFrame({ 'peptide': peptides.sequences }, copy=False) if allele is not None: if alleles is not None: raise ValueError("Specify exactly one of allele or alleles") df["allele"] = allele normalized_allele = mhcnames.normalize_allele_name(allele) df["normalized_allele"] = normalized_allele unique_alleles = [normalized_allele] else: df["allele"] = numpy.array(alleles) df["normalized_allele"] = mhcnames.normalize_allele_name) unique_alleles = df.normalized_allele.unique() if len(df) == 0: # No predictions. logging.warning("Predicting for 0 peptides.") empty_result = pandas.DataFrame( columns=[ 'peptide', 'allele', 'prediction', 'prediction_low', 'prediction_high' ]) return empty_result (min_peptide_length, max_peptide_length) = ( self.supported_peptide_lengths) if (peptides.min_length < min_peptide_length or peptides.max_length > max_peptide_length): # Only compute this if needed all_peptide_lengths_supported = False sequence_length = df.peptide.str.len() df["supported_peptide_length"] = ( (sequence_length >= min_peptide_length) & (sequence_length <= max_peptide_length)) if (~df.supported_peptide_length).any(): msg = ( "%d peptides have lengths outside of supported range [%d, %d]: " "%s" % ( (~df.supported_peptide_length).sum(), min_peptide_length, max_peptide_length, str(df.loc[~df.supported_peptide_length].peptide.unique()))) logging.warning(msg) if throw: raise ValueError(msg) else: # Handle common case efficiently. df["supported_peptide_length"] = True all_peptide_lengths_supported = True num_pan_models = ( len(self.class1_pan_allele_models) if not self.optimization_info.get("pan_models_merged", False) else self.optimization_info["num_pan_models_merged"]) max_single_allele_models = max( len(self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.get(allele, [])) for allele in unique_alleles ) predictions_array = numpy.zeros( shape=(df.shape[0], num_pan_models + max_single_allele_models), dtype="float64") predictions_array[:] = numpy.nan if self.class1_pan_allele_models: master_allele_encoding = self.master_allele_encoding unsupported_alleles = [ allele for allele in df.normalized_allele.unique() if allele not in self.allele_to_sequence ] if unsupported_alleles: truncate_at = 100 allele_string = " ".join( sorted(self.allele_to_sequence)[:truncate_at]) if len(self.allele_to_sequence) > truncate_at: allele_string += " + %d more alleles" % ( len(self.allele_to_sequence) - truncate_at) msg = ( "No sequences for allele(s): %s.\n" "Supported alleles: %s" % ( " ".join(unsupported_alleles), allele_string)) logging.warning(msg) if throw: raise ValueError(msg) mask = df.supported_peptide_length & ( ~df.normalized_allele.isin(unsupported_alleles)) row_slice = None if mask is None or mask.all(): row_slice = slice(None, None, None) # all rows masked_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( df.normalized_allele, borrow_from=master_allele_encoding) masked_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) elif mask.sum() > 0: row_slice = mask masked_allele_encoding = AlleleEncoding( df.loc[mask].normalized_allele, borrow_from=master_allele_encoding) masked_peptides = EncodableSequences.create( peptides.sequences[mask]) if row_slice is not None: # The following line is a performance optimization that may be # revisited. It causes the neural network to set to include # only the alleles actually being predicted for. This makes # the network much smaller. However, subsequent calls to # predict will need to reset these weights, so there is a # tradeoff. masked_allele_encoding = masked_allele_encoding.compact() if self.optimization_info.get("pan_models_merged"): # Multiple pan-allele models have been merged into one # at the tensorflow level. assert len(self.class1_pan_allele_models) == 1 predictions = self.class1_pan_allele_models[0].predict( masked_peptides, allele_encoding=masked_allele_encoding, output_index=None, **model_kwargs) predictions_array[row_slice, :num_pan_models] = predictions else: for (i, model) in enumerate(self.class1_pan_allele_models): predictions_array[row_slice, i] = model.predict( masked_peptides, allele_encoding=masked_allele_encoding, **model_kwargs) if self.allele_to_allele_specific_models: unsupported_alleles = [ allele for allele in unique_alleles if not self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.get(allele) ] if unsupported_alleles: msg = ( "No single-allele models for allele(s): %s.\n" "Supported alleles are: %s" % ( " ".join(unsupported_alleles), " ".join(sorted(self.allele_to_allele_specific_models)))) logging.warning(msg) if throw: raise ValueError(msg) for allele in unique_alleles: models = self.allele_to_allele_specific_models.get(allele, []) if len(unique_alleles) == 1 and all_peptide_lengths_supported: mask = None else: mask = ( (df.normalized_allele == allele) & df.supported_peptide_length).values row_slice = None if mask is None or mask.all(): peptides_for_allele = peptides row_slice = slice(None, None, None) elif mask.sum() > 0: peptides_for_allele = EncodableSequences.create( df.loc[mask].peptide.values) row_slice = mask if row_slice is not None: for (i, model) in enumerate(models): predictions_array[ row_slice, num_pan_models + i, ] = model.predict(peptides_for_allele, **model_kwargs) if callable(centrality_measure): centrality_function = centrality_measure else: centrality_function = CENTRALITY_MEASURES[centrality_measure] logs = numpy.log(predictions_array) log_centers = centrality_function(logs) df["prediction"] = numpy.exp(log_centers) if include_confidence_intervals: df["prediction_low"] = numpy.exp( numpy.nanpercentile(logs, 5.0, axis=1)) df["prediction_high"] = numpy.exp( numpy.nanpercentile(logs, 95.0, axis=1)) if include_individual_model_predictions: for i in range(num_pan_models): df["model_pan_%d" % i] = predictions_array[:, i] for i in range(max_single_allele_models): df["model_single_%d" % i] = predictions_array[ :, num_pan_models + i ] if include_percentile_ranks: if self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform: df["prediction_percentile"] = self.percentile_ranks( df.prediction, alleles=df.normalized_allele.values, throw=throw) else: warnings.warn("No percentile rank information available.") del df["supported_peptide_length"] del df["normalized_allele"] return df
[docs] def calibrate_percentile_ranks( self, peptides=None, num_peptides_per_length=int(1e5), alleles=None, bins=None, motif_summary=False, summary_top_peptide_fractions=[0.001], verbose=False, model_kwargs={}): """ Compute the cumulative distribution of ic50 values for a set of alleles over a large universe of random peptides, to enable taking quantiles of this distribution later. Parameters ---------- peptides : sequence of string or EncodableSequences, optional Peptides to use num_peptides_per_length : int, optional If peptides argument is not specified, then num_peptides_per_length peptides are randomly sampled from a uniform distribution for each supported length alleles : sequence of string, optional Alleles to perform calibration for. If not specified all supported alleles will be calibrated. bins : object Anything that can be passed to numpy.histogram's "bins" argument can be used here, i.e. either an integer or a sequence giving bin edges. This is in ic50 space. motif_summary : bool If True, the length distribution and per-position amino acid frequencies are also calculated for the top x fraction of tightest- binding peptides, where each value of x is given in the summary_top_peptide_fractions list. summary_top_peptide_fractions : list of float Only used if motif_summary is True verbose : boolean Whether to print status updates to stdout model_kwargs : dict Additional low-level Class1NeuralNetwork.predict() kwargs. Returns ---------- dict of string -> pandas.DataFrame If motif_summary is True, this will have keys "frequency_matrices" and "length_distributions". Otherwise it will be empty. """ if bins is None: bins = to_ic50(numpy.linspace(1, 0, 1000)) if alleles is None: alleles = self.supported_alleles if peptides is None: peptides = [] lengths = range( self.supported_peptide_lengths[0], self.supported_peptide_lengths[1] + 1) for length in lengths: peptides.extend( random_peptides(num_peptides_per_length, length)) encoded_peptides = EncodableSequences.create(peptides) if motif_summary: frequency_matrices = [] length_distributions = [] else: frequency_matrices = None length_distributions = None for allele in alleles: start = time.time() predictions = self.predict( encoded_peptides, allele=allele, model_kwargs=model_kwargs) if verbose: elapsed = time.time() - start print( "Generated %d predictions for allele %s in %0.2f sec: " "%0.2f predictions / sec" % ( len(encoded_peptides.sequences), allele, elapsed, len(encoded_peptides.sequences) / elapsed)) transform = PercentRankTransform(), bins=bins) self.allele_to_percent_rank_transform[allele] = transform if frequency_matrices is not None: predictions_df = pandas.DataFrame({ 'peptide': encoded_peptides.sequences, 'prediction': predictions }).drop_duplicates('peptide').set_index("peptide") predictions_df["length"] = predictions_df.index.str.len() for (length, sub_df) in predictions_df.groupby("length"): for cutoff_fraction in summary_top_peptide_fractions: selected = sub_df.prediction.nsmallest( max( int(len(sub_df) * cutoff_fraction), 1)).index.values matrix = positional_frequency_matrix(selected).reset_index() original_columns = list(matrix.columns) matrix["allele"] = allele matrix["length"] = length matrix["cutoff_fraction"] = cutoff_fraction matrix["cutoff_count"] = len(selected) matrix = matrix[ ["allele", "length", "cutoff_fraction", "cutoff_count"] + original_columns ] frequency_matrices.append(matrix) # Length distribution for cutoff_fraction in summary_top_peptide_fractions: cutoff_count = max( int(len(predictions_df) * cutoff_fraction), 1) length_distribution = predictions_df.prediction.nsmallest( cutoff_count).index.str.len().value_counts() = "length" length_distribution /= length_distribution.sum() length_distribution = length_distribution.to_frame() length_distribution.columns = ["fraction"] length_distribution = length_distribution.reset_index() length_distribution["allele"] = allele length_distribution["cutoff_fraction"] = cutoff_fraction length_distribution["cutoff_count"] = cutoff_count length_distribution = length_distribution[[ "allele", "cutoff_fraction", "cutoff_count", "length", "fraction" ]].sort_values(["cutoff_fraction", "length"]) length_distributions.append(length_distribution) if frequency_matrices is not None: frequency_matrices = pandas.concat( frequency_matrices, ignore_index=True) if length_distributions is not None: length_distributions = pandas.concat( length_distributions, ignore_index=True) if motif_summary: return { 'frequency_matrices': frequency_matrices, 'length_distributions': length_distributions, } return {}
[docs] def model_select( self, score_function, alleles=None, min_models=1, max_models=10000): """ Perform model selection using a user-specified scoring function. This works only with allele-specific models, not pan-allele models. Model selection is done using a "step up" variable selection procedure, in which models are repeatedly added to an ensemble until the score stops improving. Parameters ---------- score_function : Class1AffinityPredictor -> float function Scoring function alleles : list of string, optional If not specified, model selection is performed for all alleles. min_models : int, optional Min models to select per allele max_models : int, optional Max models to select per allele Returns ------- Class1AffinityPredictor : predictor containing the selected models """ if alleles is None: alleles = self.supported_alleles dfs = [] allele_to_allele_specific_models = {} for allele in alleles: df = pandas.DataFrame({ 'model': self.allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele] }) df["model_num"] = df.index df["allele"] = allele df["selected"] = False round_num = 1 while not df.selected.all() and sum(df.selected) < max_models: score_col = "score_%2d" % round_num prev_score_col = "score_%2d" % (round_num - 1) existing_selected = list(df[df.selected].model) df[score_col] = [ numpy.nan if row.selected else score_function( Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_allele_specific_models={ allele: [row.model] + existing_selected } ) ) for (_, row) in df.iterrows() ] if round_num > min_models and ( df[score_col].max() < df[prev_score_col].max()): break # In case of a tie, pick a model at random. (best_model_index,) = df.loc[ (df[score_col] == df[score_col].max()) ].sample(1).index df.loc[best_model_index, "selected"] = True round_num += 1 dfs.append(df) allele_to_allele_specific_models[allele] = list( df.loc[df.selected].model) df = pandas.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True) new_predictor = Class1AffinityPredictor( allele_to_allele_specific_models, metadata_dataframes={ "model_selection": df, }) return new_predictor