Source code for mhcflurry.allele_encoding

import pandas

from . import amino_acid

[docs]class AlleleEncoding(object): def __init__(self, alleles=None, allele_to_sequence=None, borrow_from=None): """ A place to cache encodings for a sequence of alleles. We frequently work with alleles by integer indices, for example as inputs to neural networks. This class is used to map allele names to integer indices in a consistent way by keeping track of the universe of alleles under use, i.e. a distinction is made between the universe of supported alleles (what's in `allele_to_sequence`) and the actual set of alleles used for some task (what's in `alleles`). Parameters ---------- alleles : list of string Allele names. If any allele is None instead of string, it will be mapped to the special index value -1. allele_to_sequence : dict of str -> str Allele name to amino acid sequence borrow_from : AlleleEncoding, optional If specified, do not specify allele_to_sequence. The sequences from the provided instance are used. This guarantees that the mappings from allele to index and from allele to sequence are the same between the instances. """ if alleles is not None: alleles = pandas.Series(alleles) self.borrow_from = borrow_from self.allele_to_sequence = allele_to_sequence if self.borrow_from is None: assert allele_to_sequence is not None all_alleles = ( sorted(allele_to_sequence)) self.allele_to_index = dict( (allele, i) for (i, allele) in enumerate([None] + all_alleles)) unpadded = pandas.Series([ allele_to_sequence[a] if a is not None else "" for a in [None] + all_alleles ], index=[None] + all_alleles) self.sequences = unpadded.str.pad( unpadded.str.len().max(), fillchar="X") else: assert allele_to_sequence is None self.allele_to_index = borrow_from.allele_to_index self.sequences = borrow_from.sequences self.allele_to_sequence = borrow_from.allele_to_sequence if alleles is not None: assert all( allele in self.allele_to_index for allele in alleles),\ "Missing alleles: " + " ".join(set( a for a in alleles if a not in self.allele_to_index)) self.indices = assert not self.indices.isnull().any() self.alleles = alleles else: self.indices = None self.alleles = None self.encoding_cache = {}
[docs] def compact(self): """ Return a new AlleleEncoding in which the universe of supported alleles is only the alleles actually used. Returns ------- AlleleEncoding """ return AlleleEncoding( alleles=self.alleles, allele_to_sequence=dict( (allele, self.allele_to_sequence[allele]) for allele in self.alleles.unique() if allele is not None))
[docs] def allele_representations(self, encoding_name): """ Encode the universe of supported allele sequences to a matrix. Parameters ---------- encoding_name : string How to represent amino acids. Valid names are "BLOSUM62" or "one-hot". See `amino_acid.ENCODING_DATA_FRAMES`. Returns ------- numpy.array of shape (num alleles in universe, sequence length, vector size) where vector size is usually 21 (20 amino acids + X character) """ if self.borrow_from is not None: return self.borrow_from.allele_representations(encoding_name) cache_key = ( "allele_representations", encoding_name) if cache_key not in self.encoding_cache: index_encoded_matrix = amino_acid.index_encoding( self.sequences.values, amino_acid.AMINO_ACID_INDEX) vector_encoded = amino_acid.fixed_vectors_encoding( index_encoded_matrix, amino_acid.ENCODING_DATA_FRAMES[encoding_name]) self.encoding_cache[cache_key] = vector_encoded return self.encoding_cache[cache_key]
[docs] def fixed_length_vector_encoded_sequences(self, encoding_name): """ Encode allele sequences (not the universe of alleles) to a matrix. Parameters ---------- encoding_name : string How to represent amino acids. Valid names are "BLOSUM62" or "one-hot". See `amino_acid.ENCODING_DATA_FRAMES`. Returns ------- numpy.array with shape: (num alleles, sequence length, vector size) where vector size is usually 21 (20 amino acids + X character) """ cache_key = ( "fixed_length_vector_encoding", encoding_name) if cache_key not in self.encoding_cache: vector_encoded = self.allele_representations(encoding_name) result = vector_encoded[self.indices] self.encoding_cache[cache_key] = result return self.encoding_cache[cache_key]